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SKENARIO PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS Tema : Kebutuhanku Subtema : Kelompok : B

Kegiatan Guru Pre activity 1. Teacher prepares the students to great. lets make lines students please. 2. Teacher asks the students to enter in to class one by one. I. Begaining Activity 1. Teacher give greeting by singing Assalamualaikum how are you ? 2x Assalamualaikum Assalamualaikum how are you ? 2. sitdown please! And lets pray together - Alfatihah 3. After that, the teacher take the foods pictures, and than the 3 activityteacher give the question to the children about the pictures one by one.children, mention what picture are these please 4. The teacher ask the children to singing. lets sing together! Carrot, spinach, cucumber 2x There are good food II. Kegiatan Inti - The first, teacher explain all of the activity in this day. today, we learn 3 activity. First, you watch the picture with the word in the right side. The second, you choose the fruits picture between other picture. The third, you coloring the vegetables picture well. are you ready? Ok children, lets match the word with the picture. Attention please! Please repeat my word (ibu guru) by showing the picture. 1. This is rice 2. This is fish 3. This is vegetable 4. This is fruits 5. This is milk Setelah menjelaskan satu persatu gambar dan tulisan yang ada, guru menanyakan pada anak. 1. What is this 2. What is this 3. What is this Kegiatan Peserta Didik

- Children enter to the class one by one.

Just fine 2x Waalaikumsalam Just fine Praying together with the teacher

- Rice, fish, yahu, tempe, egg, vegetable (carrot, spinach, tomato, long bean), fruits (orange, apple, banana, mango, star)

- Childrens listening what the teacher say.

Yes Iam Anak-anak menirukan ucapan guru This is rice This is fish This is vegetable This is fruits This is milk After explain one by one picture and the word, teacher ask the students This is vegetable This is rice This is fish This is milk This is fruits

Kegiatan Guru 4. What is this 5. What is this Ok children, now lets match the word and the picture with the pencil. - The second activity, letd we choose the fruits picture among the picture. With make the circle. Do you know what is this ? Ok, lets choose the fruits pictures right now! - The third activity We colouring this vegetables picture well. Are you ready ? Ok, take your crayon and do it now. Siapa yang sudah selesai ? who are finished. Siapa yang tadi sudah melakukan semua kegiatan hari ini ? semuanya pintar-all of you smart, give applause for us. Ok, because we are finished, after this we have break time, but before that we pray for eating. Berdoa mau makan bersama. Bagus, sekarang kita cuci tangan dan makan bersama. Setelah makan anak-anak boleh bermain di luar. - Ending activity After bell are ringing, children enter to the classroom. Sitdown please! After eat, we pray together and now I want to talking about todays activity. Who can mention what we have done today ? Ok, thats right. What activity do you like ? Now sing together Come on students, before we go home we pray together

Kegiatan Peserta Didik

- Fish, mango, spinach, orange, apple, carrot, water melon - Yes, Im ready

- Who has do all activity today ?

- Good, now we wash our hand and eating together. After that you can play in the play ground.

- Matching the word with picture, melingkari fruits picture and colouring vegetable picture - I like because its fun

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