Simple MKTG

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MarkeLlng ManagemenL

ÞulklL Mehra
ery member of a successful flrm
funcLlons as a markeLeer
@he human resource people
W Pyglene of employees
W Crleances
W 8eLenLlon
When aboe condlLlons are saLlsfled
W ÞoslLle word of mouLh
W Loyal cusLomer hlmself furLher leadlng Lo Lhln
sllclng concepL
@he flnance dllslon
W key role ln markeLlng
W vendors LransacLlons seLLled
W Suppllers paymenL pollcles
W 8uzz effecL creaLed
W @rlckle down effecL Lhrough famlly and frlendsŦ
W Sound flnanclal sysLem geLs easy loansţ
confldence wlLh Lhe lnesLorţ poslLle
enlronmenL creaLed and buslness deelopsŦ
@he markeLlng deparLmenL
W Consumer behalorţ markeL researchţ
packaglngţ salesţ aderLlslngţ eLcţŦ
W lnLegraLlng Lhe acLllLles of all Lhe funcLlons
across orgŦ and pro[ecLlng lL
W lnLernal markeLlng as well as exLernal
W Cross markeLlng
ery member of an organlzaLlon lrrespeLle of
whaLeer funcLlon he/she conLrlbuLes Loţ
dlrecLlyţ lndlrecLlyţ knowlnglyţ unknowlngly
poslLlelyţ negaLlely acLs as a markeLeer as a
MarkeLlng Lakes a day Lo learnŦ unforLunaLely lL
Lakes a llfeLlme Lo masLer Ŵ Þh|| ko|ter

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