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Belgische activiteiten tijdens WOI 15/20-12-1914 The French & Belgian troops, supported by British, fought at Lombardzijde.

They gained 100 meters of German territory 24/27-12-1914 New French & Belgian attacks on Lombardzijde. 1915 January 1915 Combat in the dunes of Lombardzijde by French & Belgian Troops. 2/14-04-1915 Fighting between German & Belgian troops around Driegrachten & Diksmuide. 22-04-1915 Right Belgian flank involved in the German first gas-attack. 19&21-06-1915 Belgian advance NW of Diksmuide. 06-08-1915 Belgian troops leaving their position at Heernisse (right bank of the IJser-river, South of Diksmuide) 1916 02-05-1916 Small german actions North of Diksmuide 1917 20-01-1917 Heavy artilleryfire on Diksmuide 26-01-1917 Germans took a Belgian outpost SW of Diksmuide 15-04-1917 Belgian troops advance at Diksmuide into the second German line. 27-07-1917 Allied intelligence discovered that German trenches at Boesinge where empty. Allied troops advanced, Belgians up to Noordschote 1/15-08-1917 Heavy artilleryfire along the intire front 27-10-1917 Belgian troops take part in the allied attack, they took Luigem, Kippe, Merkem & Aschloop. 28-11-1917 Germans attack Belgians at Merkem 1918 18-02-1918 British & Belgian troops attack at Houthulst Forest 26-02-1918 German counterattach on the Belgian lines 5/6-03-1918 During the night German troop try to take 2 belgian outposts NW of Diksmuide, Belgians didn't give up;-) 07-03-1918 German attack on Merkem 12-03-1918 Belgians attack at Lombardzijde 18/20-03-1918 German attack on Nieuwpoort & Diksmuide defended by Belgian troops. 27-03-1918 Belgian troops holding the line from the sea up to Langemark (40 km.) 27-08-1918 Belgian troops take a 4 km stretch of German 1st line near Langemark 07-09-1918 Germans attack the Belgians once again at Merkem 09-09-1918 Small Belgian advace at Merkem 11-09-1918 Belgian attack NE of Bikschoote 12/13-09-1918 German counterattack NE of Bikschote 18-09-1918 once again German counterattack NE of Bikschote 20-09-1918 Belgian attack on Merkem 28-09-1918 The Offensive of Libiration started and Belgian soldiers keep up fighting until the Armistice. Source: Le Front de Flandres, Tome II, par Jean Massaert (Touring Club de Belgique, 1919)

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