JSF Interview Questions

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1 WhaL ls Lhe exLenslon of a [avaserver face LemplaLe flle?

Answer xhLml
2 Pow a webpage connecLs Lo Lhe backlng bean?
Answer Lhrough Lhe expresslon language (Ll) value expresslon
3 Pow many Lype of web appllcaLlon Lhere could be?
Answer 1wo Lypes namely resenLaLlon CrlenLed (!Sl laceleLs eLc ) and ServlceCrlenLed (
!AxWS resLful query eLc )
4 ln Lerms of usablllLy whaL ls Lhe maln dlfference beLween ServleLs and !S/laceleLs?
Answer ServleLs are besL sulLed for webservlce componenLs fronL end and !S/laceleLs are
besL sulLed for presenLaLlonorlenLed appllcaLlon
3 WhaL ls a deploymenL descrlpLor?
Answer webxml or e[b[arxml
6 WhaL ls a web module?
Answer A web module ls Lhe smallesL deployable and usable unlL of web resources Web
componenLs and sLaLlc web conLenL flles such as lmages are called web resources
7 WhaL ls conLalned ln WL8lnl dlrecLory?
Answer classes Lags llb ( !A8 llles ) deploymenL descrlpLors
8 WhaL ls a musL have for !avaServer lace Lechnology?
Answer webxml lf lL musL speclfy cerLaln klnd of securlLy lnformaLlon or lf you wanL Lo
overrlde lnformaLlon speclfled by web componenL annoLaLlon
9 Pow do you package a web module?
Answer ln war flle uslng any bullL Lool
10 WhaL does conLexLparam do?
Answer lL provldes conflguraLlon lnformaLlon needed by a web appllcaLlon
11 Pow do you speclfy Lhe locaLlon of Lhe landlng page?
Answer ln webxml uslng Lhe welcomefllellsL Lag
12 WhaL ls dynamlc reloadlng?
Answer dynamlc reloadlng enables you Lo redeploy an appllcaLlon or module when you change
lLs code or deploymenL descrlpLors
13 WhaL ls Lhe downslde of dynamlc reloadlng?
Answer dynamlc reloadlng ls expenslve and slow for producLlon And also when reloadlng ls
done sesslon becomes lnvalld whlch makes Lhe cllenL Lo resLarL Lhe sesslon
14 Pow web appllcaLlons are conflgured?
Answer Web appllcaLlons are conflgured by means of annoLaLlons or by elemenLs conLalned ln
Lhe web appllcaLlon deploymenL descrlpLor (webxml)
13 WhaL annoLaLlon ls used Lo seL Lhe u8L paLLern for a servleL?
Answer [WebServleL annoLaLlon
16 WhaL ls Lhe use of welcome flles?
Answer Lhe welcome flles mechanlsm allows you Lo speclfy a llsL of flles LhaL Lhe web conLalner
wlll use for appendlng Lo a requesL for a u8L LhaL ls noL mapped Lo a web componenL (such as a
17 Where you may noL ln[ecL resources by annoLaLlon?
Answer componenLs LhaL are noL conLalner managed
18 WhaL ls Lhe use of [8esource AnnoLaLlon?
Answer 1he [8esource annoLaLlon ls used Lo declare a reference Lo a resource such as a daLa
source an enLerprlse bean or an envlronmenL enLlLy
19 Pow Lo declare a reference Lo a web servlce?
Answer uslng [WebServlce8ef
20 WhaL ls a faceconflgxml flle and how do we use lL?
Answer faceconflgxml ls an appllcaLlon conflguraLlon resource flle whlch can be used Lo
deflne page navlgaLlon rules and conflgure beans and oLher cusLom ob[ecL such as cusLom
21 ln !avaServer lace Lechnology who recelves Lhe hLLp requesL from Lhe cllenL ( browser )
Answer Lhe componenL Lags flle ( xhLml ) flrsL recelves Lhe requesL and pass lL Lo Lhe vlew
22 Why Lhe hell [usL anoLher fronL end Lechnology?
Answer one of Lhe greaLesL advanLages of !avaServer laces Lechnology ls LhaL lL offers a clean
separaLlon beLween behavlor and presenLaLlon for web appllcaLlons
23 Pow Lhe backlng bean ls accessed ln a faceleL appllcaLlon?
Answer lf no name ls speclfled ln Lhe [Managed8ean annoLaLlon Lhe backlng bean ls always
accessed wlLh Lhe flrsL leLLer of Lhe class name ln lower case (eg #personname)
24 Where do you done Lhe mapplng for laceServleL?
Answer webxml

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