November 2011

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Nitt $ippel't

$et6a6 6rz6e kevt

Movember Z0II
Cur MonLh ln Second Crade
Pappy november! We have a busy monLh ahead of us! ln maLh we wlll conLlnue Lo
learn more abouL funcLlons (addlLlon and subLracLlon) and we wlll begln Lo explore more
abouL money place value and Lelllng Llme ln readlng we are golng Lo begln book clubs and
we wlll be focuslng on lmprovlng our comprehenslon skllls We have been developlng our
wrlLlng skllls by uslng a 4Square Lo organlze our LhoughLs and Lo add deLalls Lo a Loplc We
wlll use our 4Square Lechnlque Lo help us compleLe a wrlLlng acLlvlLy abouL Lhe Lhlngs we
are Lhankful for We have also sLarLed an exclLlng new soclal sLudles unlL abouL Cur asL"
We have been explorlng naLlve Amerlcan 1rlbes and soon wlll be learnlng abouL Lhe flrsL
seLLlers LhaL came Lo Amerlca
SomeLhlng Lo Lalk abouL
O Ask your chlld all abouL naLlve
Amerlcan 1rlbes and Lhelr culLure!
lL's CeLLlng Chllly CuLslde!
We go ouLslde LvL8? uA? for recess
lease remember Lo dress approprlaLely for
Lhe weaLher!
MaLh Pomework
AbouL once a week your second grader wlll
be brlnglng home maLh 'homework' 1hls
work ls meanL for you and your chlld Lo
compleLe LogeLher 1hls ls an opporLunlLy
for your chlld Lo show you whaL we have
been learnlng ln maLh 1he besL way Lo
learn new Lhlngs ls Lo Leach lL Lo somebody
else so you geL Lo be Lhe sLudenL and Lhey
can Leach you whaL Lhey have learned!
When Lhe work ls compleLed please slgn
Lhe Lop of Lhe paper and send lL back Lo
school Lhe nexL day
1hank you for your supporL!

1ravellng lolder

!usL a remlnder each second grade sLudenL
ls responslble for brlng home hls/her
Lravellng folder every nlghL and brlnglng lL
back Lo school every day
1hls folder ls used for papers LhaL are belng
senL home forms LhaL need parenL
slgnaLures and homework LhaL needs Lo be
compleLed and senL back Lo school
1hank you for your cooperaLlon!
No Schoo|
November 23
and 2S

nappy 1hanksg|v|ng!!

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