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Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose one answer for each question.

Questions 1 - 10 are based on the information given. Questions 1 - 2

Dear Fred, I will be ordering your favourite tropical pizza while mother will be baking a rich moist chocolate cake. Granny is all set to fry you her golden curry puffs and sis has even volunteered to buy ice cream. It will definitely be a birthday party to remember. So, be back in time.

Love, 1 Why is everyone preparing all types of foods? A B C D 2 They are Freds favourite foods Everyone has been forced to do so It is for Freds birthday party Freds father cant cook


Which of the following food will not be served? A B C D Pizza Curry puffs Deep chocolate cookies Ice cream

Study the item below and answer the question below


paper figure 1



The items in figure 1 will be needed to A B C D fill in a registration form complete an application draw a cartoon write a letter

As the men were talking, Gina slipped out of the house and followed some boys who were going to school. Along the way, a few of them climbed a rambutan tree and stole some rambutans.

Based on the extract we know Gina left the house A B quietly noisily C D excitedly hurriedly

The sign was put up as a A B promotion warning C D reminder guide

Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

A gardener

C teacher

B doctor

D journalist

Questions 7 - 8 are based on the following text. Your body needs to take in oxygen from the air and gave out the unwanted carbon dioxide in the body. When you breathe, air is sucked into the lungs through the windpipe. From your lungs, oxygen circulates to different parts of your body.

The phrase sucked into can mean A B exhaled excited C D indented inhaled

Which of the following statements is true about the passage above? A B C D Our body needs more carbon dioxide than oxygen Breathing helps oxygen to enter the body The windpipe helps to control the oxygen Only certain parts of the body need carbon dioxide

Questions 9 - 10 are based on the following dialogue. Dina Judith Dina Judith : Before you go, promise to tell Mother I love her. : I promise. I will keep my word. : Then, I am ready to leave to serve my country. : Be brave, the country depends on people like you to protect us in these time of war.

I will keep my word in the dialogue means A B C D Judith can be trusted to do what she has promised Judith must make up more words to make Dina happy Judith doesnt mind promising anything to Dina Judith likes to play with a lot of words


From the dialogue, we can conclude that Dina is a A B teacher doctor C D engineer soldier

Questions 11 - 18 are based on the following text.

The police interviewed witnesses. The bartender ___________ (11) the victim always dropped in at the bar at 11 oclock every morning. After that, the victim went to ________ (12) to the Sports Club for lunch. On the way there, ________ (13) had to cross the road. He saw the victim _____________ (14) the road. He did not look left ________ (15) right. Two witnesses also _________ (16) the victim being

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

A. say A. in A. he A. cross A. but A. see A. faint A. which

B. says B. out B. she B. crosses B. and B. sees B. faints B. who

C. said C. against C. they C. is crossing C. because C. saw C. fainted C. where

D. saying D. between D. him D. has been crossing D. or D. was seen D. fainting D. when

Questions 19 - 21 read the text below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined. It is natural for parents to take care of their own children. The put themselves out (19) to feed and clothe them and fall over themselves (20) to give them a good start in life. Most children put upon (21) their parents. Some get into a lot of trouble and have to be taught to behave better.


put themselves out A B C D work take great trouble starve themselves try to be creative


fall over themselves A suffer

B C D 21.

try their best be over anxious be over protective

put upon A B C D trouble dont respect dont care about take advantage of

Questions 22 - 24 choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined. Sarah : Jade, can you lend me RM500? Im flat broke (22) Jade : You must be out of your mind (23) Sarah : Im in a fix (24). I need to settle my fathers medical bills by this week. Cant you help me? 22 Im flat broke A B C D 23 I dont feel like arguing with you. I dont have time to explain. I dont have any money on me. Im not interested in any favours.

out of your mind A B C D right crazy dreaming frustrated


in a fix

A worried Simplify your life. Sign up with Hankbank Auto Billing. It settles your utility bills B not well automatically by charging them to your Hankbank Credit Card. No more: C in trouble D a big Long queues fool Late payments Penalty charges Questions 25 - 28 are based on the following advertisement. Register your bills along with your personal particulars. Mail the completed form to us or fax to 03-5567823 or call 03-5678823. Successful sign-ups will automatically entitle you to an entry for the RUSH FOR RICHES contest.

Terms and Conditions apply

Hankbank, banking simplified!


The functions of the advertisement is to do all of the following except A B C D promote persuade penalize inform


Which of the following bills cannot be paid using this system? A B C D Club Membership Electricity Water Telephone


What is one of the benefits of signing up for this system? The island of Symi is special because of its water factory. Very little rain falls in Symi. The people have always saved every drop they could. However, for Time saving the A first time, this island of Greece had its own fresh water instead of buying water brought byqueues B Longer ships. The Longer datelines for payments from the sea into fresh water that people factory changes salt water C can drink. Most of the ways to turn salt water into fresh water cost a lot of D The chance to win many way that money. The Symi factory uses a contests cost very little. What is the factory like? Right in the middle of the town are some long 28 ponds. They are only a few inches deep. The men of Symi dug out earth to How many ways can one sign up? make the ponds. Over each pond is a low tent. It is made of plastic that you can see through. A At night, sea water is pumped into the ponds. The next day, the hot sun 1 C 3 B 2 D 4 shines through the tents, heats the water and turns the water into vapour that rises from - 34 are based on salt following text. As it rises, the vapour becomes the ponds. The the is left behind. Questions 29 mist and inside each tent, tiny drops of mist run together to make larger drops which eventually run down the sides of the tent, filling a tank with fresh water. The salt left behind is washed out each night and the factory is ready for the next days work. The tents and other parts of the factory cost very little. Sea water and the sun cost nothing. Most people on Symi are poor, so this new way of getting fresh water seems wonderful.
Adapted from Theyre Turning Salt Water Into Sweet, Readers Digest, April 1965.


Why is the island of Symi special? A B C D It has very poor people. It receives very little rain. It produces its own fresh water. The people use a lot of fresh water.


Before the water factory was built, how did the people get fresh water? A B C D They got it from the sea They bought it from ships. They moved it from abroad. They rented it from ships.


Which of the following statements is true about the islands water factory? A B C D It needed to be build quickly It was very inexpensive to build. It used sea water from the ships. It could only produce very little water.


Which of the following processes is depicted in the text? A Water bought sun heats sea water pumped


mist rises water collected. Sun heats vapour drops mist rises Mist rises sun heats vapour rises droplets formed water pumped Sea water pumped sun heats vapour rises mist forms water droplets collected

droplets collected


They in the passage refers to A B C D the ships the ponds the men the tanks


Which of the following items is not needed in the process of making fresh water? A B C D Sea water Plastic tent Sun Earth

Questions 35 - 37 are based on the Poem The River.

The rivers a wanderer, a nomad, a tramp, He doesnt choose one place, to set up his camp, The rivers a winder, through valley and hill. He twists and he turns, he just cannot be still. The rivers a hoarder and he buries down deep Those little treasures that he wants to keep. The rivers a baby, he gurgles and hums And sounds like hes happily sucking his thumbs. The rivers a singer, as he dances along The countryside echoes the notes of his song. The rivers a monster, hungry and vexed Hes gobbled up trees and hell swallow you next.

Valerie Bloom 35 A hoarder is likely to A B 36 Buy a lot of things keep a lot of things C D give away his things sell goods

The River uses plenty of metaphors. Which is the following is not a metaphor? A B baby singer C D winder treasures


By gobbling trees, the river is being ______________. A B C D productive destructive fruitful healthy

Questions 38 - 40 read the extract from the short story Flipping Fantastic and answer the

following questions.

I cant believe that this is the last week that well be here, in this school, together. Tristan and I have always been a team. Wherever he goes, I go. Wherever I go, he goes. I suppose thats not surprising as Im always pushing his wheelchair. Were pretty much stuck together and thats the way I like it. Its the way its always been, until now. Next term will be different, but I dont want to think about that right now. Its horrible for words.


The phrase last week refers to A B C D at home the last few days of the summer holiday the final week at Peter Hill Primary the last term


People in a good team usually _______________. A B C D work well together work hard live together are related to each other


Why will the next term be different? A B C D the school will be closed they will going to a boarding school they will not see their friends again the boys will be studying in different schools

sink or swim -

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