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Jesus Cura um Paraltico

Jesus heals a Lame Man

Um dia Jesus e Seus discpulos foram cidade de Cafarnaum.

One day Jesus and His disciples went to the city of Capernaum.

As pessoas estavam entusiasmadas com a presena de Jesus, e foram ouvi-lO falar.

People were excited that Jesus had come, and they went to hear Him speak.

Jesus estava em uma casa, mas tinha gente demais. Tinha tanta gente esperando para v-lO, que elas no cabiam na casa.
Jesus was inside a house, but it was very crowded. There were many people there wanting to see Jesus.

Alguns homens tinham um amigo muito doente. Ele no conseguia se mover, e tinha que ficar de cama o tempo todo.
Some men had a friend who was sick. He couldnt move, and had to lie in bed all the time.

Eles queriam que Jesus curasse seu amigo, mas tinha tanta gente na casa que no conseguiam chegar perto de Jesus.
The men wanted Jesus to heal their friend, but there were so many people that they couldnt get close to Jesus.

De repente, um deles teve uma ideia. Com muito cuidado, carregaram o doente para o telhado da casa.
Suddenly, one of the men had an idea. Ever so carefully they carried the sick man up to the roof of the house.

Com cuidado fizeram um buraco no telhado, grande o suficiente para colocar a cama de seu amigo para dentro da casa.
They made a hole in the roof, big enough to lower the sick man and his bed into the house.

Baixaram o amigo at o lugar onde Jesus se encontrava.

They lowered their sick friend all the way down to where Jesus was standing.

Jesus ficou feliz de ver a f que os amigos desse homem tinham no poder dEle curar seu amigo. Levante-se e ande, disse Jesus ao homem doente.
Jesus was happy that the sick mans friends had faith that He could heal their friend. Stand up and walk, Jesus told the sick man.

E ele se levantou imediatamente! Jesus o tinha curado!

Immediately, the man stood up! Jesus had healed him!

O homem foi correndo de volta para sua casa louvando e agradecendo a Deus por t-lo curado.
The man went running back to his home praising and thanking God for healing him.

Lame Paraltico House casa People pessoas City cidade Friend amigo Men homens

Sick doente Roof telhado Faith f Get up levante-se Walk ande Healed - curado

Original English story and art by Didier Martin

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