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Brophy College Prep C paratory S Summer Re eading

G y ns Krakauers Into the W Wild 12th Grade Study Question for Jon K

P ond in short-answer for rmat to the f following qu uestions as you Note to student: Please respo read Jon Krakauers Into the Wild. Respon W nses should be thoughtf and well-supported via ful l o pe your work, a and bring it with a careful reading of each part of the book. Please typ and edit y your boo to the firs day of cla in Augus Finally, y ok st ass st. you should expect som form of me assessment on the booktest or essaydu b o uring the fir week of class. rst ors sh ve nd IV es For senio in Englis IV electiv classes an English I AP classe 1. Ir rony is an im mportant thematic elem ment in the b book, espec cially situational irony. Cite at least three examples of situa C ational irony (i.e., when the last th y n hing expecte to ed happen does indeed hap s ppen). Think about Chri and his ex k is xperiences especially once he gets to Alaska. W es C ferent times in his short life? Do th s t hese activitie es, 2. What activitie interest Chris at diff hobbies, and interests make sense as you unde m erstand his personality? Explain. D riss relation nship to his family: his m f mother, Billie, his sister, and his 3. Describe Chr fa ather, Walt? Do these familial ties suggest any character flaws or str ? y rengths in th he ch hild, teenag ger, or the young adult we see Ch hris become Explain. e? 4. Draw a map or a create a timeline of Chriss tra D o avels after h graduati his ion from Em mory University in Atlanta. Where does he go? How long does h stay in each place? A U W h he Are th here any sim milarities to all of his stops? If so, w what are they? 5. In what way is Chris McC n Candless lik you? In w ke what way is he completely different t? Explain. 6. In many books, even no n on-fiction pie eces like thi one, the a is author does not intrude on s e his/her story However, Into the Wild is differe y. , W ent. How do Krakaue intrude on his oes er n tory about Christopher Johnson Mc C cCandless? st Explain whet ther or not you believe it is a stren gth or weak y kness?

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