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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: occupyoaklandu@gmail.



Michigan Occupations to Protest the Republican Debate Wednesday

The choice of Rochester, Michigan for this weeks Republican debate is advantageous for supporters of Occupy Wall Street. At least eight Michigan cities have local Occupations. These camps and their attached activism movements mimick the leaderless movement and protest by occupation style of the original Occupy Wall Street demonstration at Zuccotti Park. These Michigan protesters also share their message: that the welfare of the 99%, is more important than the profits of big businesses and financial institutions. On Wednesday night, Occupy Michigan protesters will be flocking to Oakland University from around the state to make their voices heard. Hosted by Occupy Oakland University, this politically diverse crowd does not support any one political party or candidate. Instead, they seek to make a few facts known: that income inequality in the U.S. is growing, not shrinking. That despite the crippling burden of taxes and regulation on big business and finance, bankers continue to take home five- and six-figure bonuses even as the banks have laid off thousands of their lowest-paid employees. That the U.S. currently ranks among the worst of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations on measures of income inequality and social mobility. That we expect any candidate we elect to fix this broken system.

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