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rsula Surez Street N 26111. Ecal Village, Angol. Chile. Phones and Fax: (045) 711603 and 711981.

English Test Segundo ao Medio Unit 3 August 30th, 2011 Name: _____________________________ Grade: 10th class Score_____ Final______________ Aprendizaje esperado: Lograr que el alumno aplique conocimientos adquiridos relacionados con los distintos tipos de pronombres relativos en clusulas definidas y no definidas.


Join the following sentences to make one sentence using a relative pronoun when necessary. If the relative pronoun is unnecessary, put it in brackets. You may sometimes have to change the word order or change 'a' into 'the'. It's very spicy food. I don't like it. That's the house. I was born in it. That's the dictionary. Bill gave it to me for Christmas. The children went to New York. They speak English. Do you know the children? They live in that house. Do you like the people. Sarah invited them to her party. The clothes come from C&A. They are good quality. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

II. Complete using the correct relative pronoun (Who,which,that,where)

1. 2. 3. 4.

This is the boy _________ had an accident. Yesterday I saw a car_________was really old Mandy is the girl _______I met on Friday Can I talk to the girl ___________ is sitting on the bench?

III. Complete the sentence and add a relative pronoun 1. Alexis Snchez is a player ______ __________________. 2. A DJ is someone _______ ________________________. 3. Terrorists are people _______ _____________________.

Be a Buddy not a bully!

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1

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