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Primary Skin Lesions Primary Skin lesions appear initially Type Description Size Examples Type Description Size


Macule flat, unelevated change in color

1mm to freckles, measles, petechiae, 1cm flat moles


elevated, solid, hard mass, extends deeper into the dermis larger than than a papule, circumscribed 2cm border, may have irregular border

malignant melanoma, hemangioma


flat, unelevated change in larger color, may have irregular shape than lcm

port wine birthmark, rubella, vitiligo (white patches)


vesicle or bulla filled with pus

acne vulgaris, impetigo


circumscribed, solid elevation of skin

less than 1cm

warts, acne, pimples, some elevated moles


circumscribed, round/ oval, thin translucent mass filled with serous fluid or blood

herpes simplex, early less than 0.5 chicken pox, small burn cm blister


larger than lcm

psoriasis, rubeola


circumscribed, round/ oval, thin translucent mass filled with serous fluid or blood

larger than 0.5 cm

large blister, second degree burn, herpes simplex

elevated, solid, hard mass, extends deeper into the dermis 0.5 to Nodule than a papule, circumscribed 2cm border

squamous cell carcinoma, fibroma


reddened, localized collecion of edema fluid, irregular shape


hives, mosquito bites


elevated, solid, hard mass, extends deeper into the dermis than a papule, circumscribed border, may have irregular border

1cm or larger

sebaceous and epidermoid cysts, chalazion of the eyelid

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