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CL1 rocedure

1 resenLaLlon of brlef dlalog or several mlnldlalogs preceded by a moLlvaLlon (relaLlng

Lo Lhe dlalog slLuaLlon(s) Lo Lhe learners' probable communlLy experlences) and a
dlscusslon of Lhe funcLlon and slLuaLlon people roles seLLlng Loplc and Lhe lnformallLy
of formallLy of Lhe language whlch Lhe funcLlon and slLuaLlon demand (AL beglnnlng
levels where all Lhe learners undersLand Lhe same naLlve language Lhe moLlvaLlon can
well be glven ln Lhelr naLlve Longue)
a 8efore Lhe class begln l wlll ask Lhe sLudenL
l Cood mornlng sLudenLs how are you Loday?
ll 8udl how abouL you? Are you okay?"
lll Ck sLudenLs l have a dlalog here l wlll glve lL Lo you And please make a
group LhaL conslsLs of 4 people undersLand?
lv now read Lhe dlalog carefully ln 10 mlnuLes and Lhen each group wlll
presenL lL ln Lhe fronL of class Ckay?

2 Cral pracLlce of each uLLerance of Lhe dlalog segmenL Lo be presenLed LhaL day (enLlre
class repeLlLlon halfclass groups lndlvlduals) generally preceded by your model lf
mlnldlalogs are used engage ln slmllar pracLlce
a l wlll ask Lhe sLudenL Lo pracLlce ln fronL of Lhe class
l Ck sLudenLs Llme ls up Are you ready Lo presenL ln fronL of Lhe class?
ll We wlll begln wlLh Lhe flrsL group
lll Lverybody please pay aLLenLlon Lo your frlends

3 CuesLlon and answers based on Lhe dlalog(s) and slLuaLlon lLself (lnverLed Wh or or
a Ask Lhe sLudenLs abouL whaL Lhey geL from Lhe lesson Loday?
l Ck now whaL dld you geL from our pracLlce Loday?
b Ask some sLudenL Lo answer Lhe quesLlon
l ?es 8udl can you answer my quesLlon?
ll WhaL do you Lhlnk abouL group one presenLaLlon?
4 CuesLlons and answers relaLed Lo Lhe sLudenLs' personal experlences buL cenLered
around Lhe dlalog Lheme
a l wlll ask Lhe sLudenL abouL Lhelr experlences
l Ck sLudenLs have you ever lnvlLed by someone Lo hls/her parLy?
ll Pave you ever lnvlLlng someone Lo your parLy?
3 SLudy one of Lhe baslc communlcaLlve expresslons ln Lhe dlalog or one of Lhe sLrucLures
whlch exempllfy Lhe funcLlon ?ou wlll wlsh Lo glve several addlLlonal example of Lhe
communlcaLlve use of Lhe expresslon or sLrucLure wlLh famlllar vocabulary ln
unamblguous uLLerances or mlnldlalogs (uslng plcLures slmple real ob[ecLs or
dramaLlzaLlon) Lo clarlfy Lhe meanlng of Lhe expresslon or sLrucLure
a l wlll explaln Lo Lhe sLudenL abouL Lhe Loplc LhaL Lhey have pracLlce ln LhaL day
l Ck sLudenLs acLually Loday we wlll learn abouL lnvlLaLlon expresslon
ll 1he senLence LhaL usually used ln lnvlLaLlon ls would you please Lo
come Lo my parLy Lomorrow" Cr could you "
6 Learner dlscovery of generallzaLlons or rules underlylng Lhe funcLlonal expresslon or
sLrucLure 1hls should lnclude aL leasL four polnLs lLs oral and wrlLLen forms (Lhe
elemenLs of whlch lL ls composed eg how abouL +verb lng?") lLs poslLlon ln Lhe
uLLerance lLs formallLy or lnformallLy ln Lhe uLLerance and ln Lhe case of a sLrucLure lLs
grammaLlcal funcLlon and meanlng
a Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo flnd Lhe rules or generallzaLlon abouL expresslon LhaL l have
explalned before
b Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo flnd Lhe dlfferences beLween wrlLLen form and oral form of
Lhe expresslon
c Ask Lhe sLudenLs whlch one ls Lhe formal one and Lhe lnformal one
7 Cral recognlLlon lnLerpreLaLlve acLlvlLles (Lwo Lo flve dependlng on Lhe learnlng level
Lhe language knowledge of Lhe sLudenLs and relaLed facLors
a Ask Lhe sLudenL Lo pracLlce some expresslon ln oral
b Lxplaln Lhe Loplc ln oral
Cral producLlon acLlvlLles proceedlng from gulded Lo freer communlcaLlon acLlvlLles
a l wlll ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo repeaL whaL l say
l Ck sLudenLs repeaL afLer me could you" would you"
b 1hen ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo make an lnvlLaLlon senLence
9 Copylng of Lhe dlalogs or mlnldlalogs or modules lf Lhey are noL ln Lhe class
a l wlll dlsLrlbuLe Lhe dlalog LhaL l have flnd before and ask Lhem Lo read lL as Lhelr
10Sampllng of Lhe wrlLLen homework asslgnmenL lf glven
a l wlll glve homework Lo Lhe sLudenLs abouL Lhe same Loplc LhaL Lhey have learn
ln LhaL day
l Ck sLudenLs for homework please make some dlalog LhaL you lnvlLlng
your frlend Lo your blrLhday parLy And lL wlll be submlLLed Lomorrow!
11LvaluaLlon of learnlng (oral only) eg Pow would you ask your frlend Lo______? And
how would you ask me Lo________?"
a l wlll ask some sLudenLs Lo lnvlLe Lhelr frlends Lo blrLhday parLy
l 8udl how would you ask your frlend Lo come Lo your blrLhday parLy?
ll 1lna how would you ask me Lo come Lo your blrLhday parLy?
1 1he sLudenLs have more confldenL Lo Lalk ln Lhe class
2 1he sLudenLs are become more acLlve ln class because Lhey are expecLed Lo lnLeracL wlLh
anoLher sLudenLs ln class
3 lluency ls more lmporLanL Lhan accuracy so Lhe sLudenL don'L have Lo Lhlnk serlously
abouL grammar when Lhey are Lalklng
4 1he sLudenLs wlll learn abouL four skllls (readlng llsLenlng wrlLlng and speaklng) aL once
3 Lrror ls noL a blg deal

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