NYSSMA Level 5 For PIANO 2008

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Albenlz ! Leyenda
8ach !S lLallan ConcerLo (MvL 1 or 3)
8ach !S 1wo arL lnvenLlons (any 2)
8arLok 8 SonaLlna (any 2 mvLs)
8eeLhoven SonaLa ln c mlnor Cp13 aLheLlque mvL2
8eeLhoven SonaLa ln c# mlnor op27 MoonllghL mvL1
8eeLhoven SonaLa ln g mlnor op49 no1
8eeLhoven SonaLa ln C op79 any 2 mvLs
8rahms lnLermezzo ln L ma[or op 116 no 6
8rahms 8omance ln l ma[or op 118 no 3
8rahms WalLzes op39 any 4
Chopln nocLurne op9 no2
Chopln nocLurne op37 no1
Chopln nocLurne op33 no1
Chopln reludes op28 nos31321 any 1
Chopln WalLz op64 no1
Chopln WalLz op70 no2
Chopln WalLzes op69 no1 or 2
Chopln WalLzes op70 nos12 any 1
Copland CaL and Mouse
uebussy Chlldrens Corner sulLe any 1 excepL Lhe llLLle sheperd
uebussy ueux Arabesque no 1
uebussy Colllwogs Cakewalk
uebussy La lllle de Cheveux de lln
uebussy mlnsLrels (preludes)
uebussy 8everle
uebussy volles (preludes)
uvorak LlghL walLzes op34 any 1
LcksLeln M My favorlLe program album any 1
`chopln nocLurne ln eb ma[or
`debussy reverle
`granados playera
`mendelssohn praeludlum
`Lchalkovsky [une
LcksLeln m 8hapsodle
llfLy one lano pleces from Lhe modern reperLolre any 1
`debussy reverle
`debussy valse romanLlque
`shosLakovlch polka from lage dor
glnaLera a 12 amerlcan preludes any 2 musL lnclude aL leasL nos 1367911
grleg noLLurno op34 no4
lberL [ le peLlL ane blanc
[oplln ragLlmes for plano any 1
kabalevsky sonaLlna op13 no1 mvL 3
kabalevsky preludes op 38 any 3
macdowell arabeske
macdowell macdowell Lhe world loves
`Lo a waLer llly (woodland skeLches op 31
magraLh [ masLerworks classlcs level 9
`[oplln ellLe syncopaLlons
massaneL [ aragonalse
mllhaud d polka pour plano
mllhaud d saudades do brazll any 2
mozarL sonaLa ln f ma[or k332 sonaLas vol ll mvL 1
nyaho w plano muslc of afrlca and Lhe afrlcan dlaspora vol 2
`any 2 of nos 16 or any 1 of nos717
paradles p LoccaLa ln a ma[or
poulene f Lhree noveleLLes any 2
schuberL momenLs muslcaux op94 any 2
schuberL zwel scherzl boLh
schumann arabesque
schumann grlllen
schumann romance ln f#
slbellus Lhe spruce
successful plano solos
`mozarL fanLasle 1 ln d mlnor
wllllams c Lhe dream of olwen

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