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Introduction to Concrete and Masonry

Ag III and IV

Its pretty much everywhere.

Work in groups of 3. In the next four minutes, list a different item
made from concrete for each letter of the alphabet.
Example: A=Apple red fire hydrants

Todays objectives

Define concrete Name rules for making quality concrete List ingredients in concrete Identify properties of concrete

What is concrete?
One of the most widely used building
materials in the world No other building material in which the final product depends so much upon the user than concrete Its everywhere
Share your lists!

Its going to be around for a while

Easy mixing process yields a product that weighs

150-160 lbs per cubic foot. Components of concrete: water, cement, and aggregate, are plentiful Requires little energy for production and use Qualities that give concrete appeal are going to still be important down the road:
Strength Versatility Durability Fire resistance

Rules for making concrete

Use proper ingredients Proportion ingredients correctly Accurately measure the ingredients Mix the ingredients thoroughly Follow proper finishing and curing methods

So what are the ingredients? (And how do they work?)

Portland Cement Aggregate Water Portland and water forms a paste around each piece of aggregate Changes from a plastic state to a hardened state Its not drying! Its a chemical change. (Think release of heat.)

Properties of plastic concrete

Consistency (or slump)- wetness or
dryness of the mix Uniformity- thorough mixing of ingredients Workability- ease with which it can be placed and consolidated

Properties of hardened concrete

Each person is receiving an index card. Match the correct word with the definition. Take your seats, so Ill know youre done.

Todays objectives

Identify properties of concrete Name rules for making quality concrete List ingredients in concrete Discuss the difference between cement and concrete

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