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urok lvAcorln urlve 1ugbungan

Zamboanga ClLy
Moblle #09263947321

1o Gov Lduardo C I|rma|o MD
rovlnclal Covernor
8omblon 8omblon

uear Slr

CreeLlngs of eace!

l am wrlLlng Lo apply Lhe poslLlon of Adm|n|strat|ve A|de VI ln your good offlce lease flnd
aLLached my resume for your reference l am exLremely enLhuslasLlc abouL Lhls poslLlon

l am 26 years old and of good characLer l am llcensed Soclal Worker l am compuLer llLeraLe l
flnlshed my college degree ln WMSu (Western M|ndanao State Un|vers|ty) Laklng up 8SSW
(8ache|or of Sc|ence |n Soc|a| Work) l have unlLs ln MasLeral ln Soclal Work Ma[or |n
Adm|n|strat|on ln my graduaLe's sLudles

8ecenLly l am connecLed Lo uWSuantaw|d am||yang |||p|no rogram asslgned aL Lhe
MunlclpallLy of olanco Zamboanga uel norLe as Munlclpal Llnk ln Lhe year of 2009 l was
hlred as sLayln Soclal Worker aL St Iranc|s nouse an orphaned lnsLlLuLlon founder by lr
ArLhur Wlnlkoff uurlng my college pracLlcum l have experlenced worklng ln Zamboanga
8eformaLory CenLer wlLh Lhe ClCL (Ch||dren |n Conf||ct w|th the Law) and ln kAA1ID
2AM8CANGA whlch ls a nCC's lnsLlLuLlon

As a graduaLe ln Lhe College of Soclal Work and CommunlLy uevelopmenL l acqulred excellenL
knowledge and skllls Lo work wlLh and supporL dlverse communlLles l have a sLrong deslre Lo
make a poslLlve dlfference ln people's llves and l belleve l would be an asseL Lo your offlce lf
glven Lhe opporLunlLy

l look forward Lo hear from you wlLh respecL Lo an lnLervlew lease conLacL me aL Lhe conLacL
lnformaLlon llsLed above or on my personal daLa and l hope Lo speak wlLh you soon 1hank you
for your Llme and conslderaLlon of my appllcaLlon

1hank you and more power

Slncerely yours

Lvna I Monto[o kSW

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