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SepLember 23 2011

All 1eachers CnL? (excepL Ma'am Crace !an and !an)

1 SplrlLual CuLpourlng Week 800930
a LasL week of SepLember (SepL 2630)
b Classroom chapel Llme from Monday1hursday (SepL 2629)
c Chapel Pour on lrlday (Lo be faclllLaLed by 1each k Ma'am Crace)
d arenLlng Semlnar 8LSCPLuuLL!

2 Sclence and MaLh Culz (lncharge 1eacher Che) CuesL for Sclence and MaLh Whlz klds 9431200
a AfLer Chapel Pour
b 8y Croup 4 levels ln one group
c 1o ldenLlfy 8esL ln Sclence and MaLh
d 1o be announced one week from now Lwo weeks from evenL
e 1here wlll be 2 separaLe qulzzes for MA1P and SClLnCL
f CuLS1lCnS
Lasy 2 (1 polnL)
Average 2 (2 polnLs)
ulfflculL 1 (3 polnLs)
g C8CulnCS
GkCU 1 rudence Iane||e khy|e Aaron Ayum| (Ar|stot|e)
GkCU 2 Lae| Iosh Shar||a|ne Samantha (L|nste|n)
GkCU 3 Dan|ca Luke Asher Ar|za narr|ette (Ga|||eo)
GkCU 4 8ea Luke Gabr|e| Mar ur| (Newton)
h CCLC8 same as nuLrlLlon MonLh
l 8lZLS frame/ plaque" per group cerLlflcaLe per lndlvldual
[ 1here wlll be a rogramme separaLe from Lhe SplrlLual CuLpourlng

3 Ma'am 8ose Concern Zlcrl
a arenLs are noL ln favor of her belng ln class

1 repare @nLML kCGkAMML LVLk@nING ICk SIkI@UAL CU@CUkING WLLk @each k
a LCVL CU8LS (S6 p|eces) samp|e
b I|na||zed rogramme
2 Conf|rm about "dancers" |n the Cu|m|nat|ng rogramme @each k
3 repare GUIDLLINLS for UI2 @each Ghe
4 repare ULS@ICNS DLADLINL Monday
a Lasy 2 (1 po|nt)
b Average 2 (2 po|nts)
c D|ff|cu|t 1 (3 po|nts)
S SCCkL 8CAkD @eacher Sh|
6 SCCkL SnLL@ @each Ghe
7 kCGkAMML @each Ghe
Cpen|ng rayer kose
We|come kemarks Grace
kead|ng of ku|es and Mechan|cs @eacher kk
Introduct|on of Iudges S|r Ian
MA@n UI2
Interm|ss|on (Lveryone)
repare Cert|f|cates (art|c|pat|ona|| part|c|pants 16 kecogn|t|on 8) and 2 Awards @eacher Ghe
C|os|ng rayer @eacher Sh|

u|zmaster @eacher Ghe

8 Decorat|on S|r Ian
9 Ch|ef Iudge Ma'am kose
10Iudge] @abu|ator Iames
11Iudge] @|mer kk
12u|zmaster] roctor @each Ghe
14repare CnLLkS and CMCMS for ALL LLVLLS (same co|or cod|ng)
O Ir|day Lvents
4 Co|or cod|ng of @sh|rts
4 SNACkS w||| be eaten together w|th the schoo| |n the funct|on ha||
4 8r|ng CkLL ALk accord|ng to co|or
4 arents are |nv|ted to come
O Upcom|ng Lvents
4 Lxams Cctober 10 11 (Monday @uesday)
4 UN Ce|ebrat|on M|dyear kecogn|t|on Cctober 21 (Ir|day)
4 Cont|nents ass|gned to each Leve|
4 Sem 8reak Cctober 22 unt|| November 2
C|asses kesume November 3

!une 13
!uly 21
AugusL 21
SepLember 22
CcLober 13 (Lll 21)
CcL 22 nov 2 (1hu)
november 19
uecember 12 (Lll 20)
uec 21 !an 3 (13 days)
!anuary 20 (from !an 4)
lebruary 21
March 22 (Lll March 30)

4 C8AulnC S?S1LM wlll be lmplemenLed for Crade 1
a 1eacher Che and Ma'am 8ose wlll have a conference wlLh Lhe parenLs
3 SLu
new sLudenL sychre (raLes Lo be furLher dlscussed)
Slr She ls okay wlLhouL Slr !an asslsLlng wlLh Mlchael on 1uesdays and 1hursdays
6 LCu CheckllsL
1o be admlnlsLered Lo Lhe resL of Lhe sLudenLs
7 un CelebraLlon
MoLorcade arenLLeachers conference lf Lhe parenLs are ln favor

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