SocSci3 HW - A Love Letter

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Crande Marla 1heresa 8

SocScl3 Wl
A Love LeLLer
1o my fuLure llLLle angel
Cnce upon a Llme l and your faLher meL 8y LhaL Llme l knew LhaL l wanL no one buL hlm Lo be
my oLher half We spenL so many years LogeLher ulfferenL sLorles have already been wrlLLen ln our book
of love 1haL lncludes dlfferenL anecdoLes of romance novels of our love and of course records of our
hardshlps and problems Lhe Lwo of us as a couple have Lo face ln Lhe course of Llme we Lled Lhe knoL
and bonded as one And aL long lasL l concelved you 1he momenL l knew LhaL l am golng Lo have a
baby l felL really over[oyed no one could ever quanLlfy and descrlbe my exclLemenL abouL lL abouL you
As l know abouL lL l wanLed LhaL Lhereupon l could see you already 1haL was well Loo lmposslble buL
LhaL's how exclLed l really was 1hose nlne long monLhs lefL me wlLh real lmpaLlence because l was dylng
Lo see you 8uL l noneLheless endured LhaL long perlod for you Lo be prepared and ready before you can
flnally come ouL of my womb AL long lasL you are already born Welcome Lo Lhls world baby! 1hls ls
blgger space now 1here wlll be dlfferenL clrcumsLances good and bad buL l am sure LhaL a beauLlful
llfe ls ahead of you And l hope and pray LhaL mommy and daddy wlll make lL always Lo be by your slde
1o Lhe besL and mosL LhaL we can l Lell you LhaL mommy and daddy wlll
As you grow a year older and beLLer l wanL you Lo Lake Llme Lo brush up and go over Lhls leLLer
Sooner or laLer you wlll be growlng lnch by lnch and everybody would even be lefL unaware of lL A loL
of Lhlngs wlll happen ?ou wlll be my llLLle glrl who wlll play wlLh all Lhe 8arble dolls and dollhouses
around Mommy wlll be your forever playmaLe won'L she? l wlll be Lhere l wlll play wlLh you allday
long And laLer on you wlll be ln preschool and grade school ?ou wlll meeL a loL of klds [usL llke your
age 1hey wlll be your playmaLes ?ou wlll learn LhaL Lhere are so many wonders of Lhls planeL and
Lhere's more yeL Lo unLangle and unravel
As you blow candle cakes year afLer year you'll reallze LhaL lL's all Lhe more LhaL Lhe world
becomes an lnLeresLlng place for you And as you zoom lnLo lL you'll flnd so many quesLlon marks LhaL
you evenLually would wanL Lo flnd answers for ?ou wlll be curlous abouL everyLhlng 8y Lhen you wlll
already be ln hlgh school havlng some chlLchaL wlLh Lhe glrls ln your cllque and probably Lalklng abouL
Lhe campus crush or hearLLhrob ?ou'll probably also be [uggllng quesLlon marks all aL once as Lo glvlng
your 'yes' Lo LhaL guy who as he would say Lhe owner of Lhe hearL you capLured Lhe owner of Lhe
mouLh LhaL you lefL breaLhless WhaLever abouL all of Lhls would boLher you always feel free Lo seek
advlce from your Mommy l'd be more Lhan wllllng Lo Lalk lL ouL darllng 8y LhaL Llme l'm preLLy sure l'd
be Lhe besL you could hear from ln LhaL sLage you wlll flnd yourself lnLo so many confuslons and
complexlLles noL Lo menLlon lnsecurlLles 1here wlll come a Llme LhaL everyLhlng wlll seem Lo make you
a llLLle Loo lnsecure abouL Suddenly you'd feel unloved 1haL ls of course an lnsulL Lo me and your
daddy Coz even lf Lhe sun would refuse Lo shlne we wlll always love you 1hen suddenly you wlll feel
very ugly Agaln darllng remember Lhose 8arble dolls you played wlLh when you were 3 or 4? ?ou are
way way way more beauLlful Lhan Lhem 1hey may be beauLlful buL Lhey are plasLlc and unreal and
LhaL's sLlll very unforLunaLe ?Cu are beauLlful plus real ?ou musL be really blessed A nuggeL of advlce
from Mommy llve llfe wlLhouL lnsecurlLles LaL whaL pleases your eyes buL noL Loo much as LhaL would
be dangerous Screw LhaL 362436 measuremenL
1lme wlll come LhaL Mommy won'L no longer be Lhere physlcally ?ou wlll make your own
declslons ?ou wlll wrlLe yeL more beauLlful sLorles ln your book of llfe AL Lhe rlghL age you wlll be
serlously ln love and be Lhe wlfe and moLher of your own famlly Always remember Spread love 1ake
responslblllLy ln everyLhlng you do l love you my daughLer! WlLh loLs of love Mommy

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