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Japan and Romania special cultures

Japanese writing stily is special. You have to write from up side down, and it is look like a beautiful paint. Romanian writing is normal from left side to right side.

The differences between Romanian and Japan traditional clothes are many, but both are beautiful; and important for their countries. Japanese women when they take traditional clothes on, they paint their faces with white and use lots of make-up. Everything is very impressible. Men are dressed in black. They have special shoes, in front are split in two.

Romanian traditional clothes are beautiful, but not so colored like in Japan. They are also important for Romania. The clothes for men and women are mostly white with a little bit of colors like: black, red, yellow or blue. Romanians are very proud about their traditional clothing. Like all the other cultures.

Both cultures have something special and original. Japan has the national sport SUMO, and a beautiful art to play with paper named: ORIGAMI. Romanian women paint eggs with paint, wax and special technique named OUA INCONDEIATE.

Traditional food is very healthy in Japan. They have a special dish named SUSHI, with rice, fish, sea food or cucumbers. Japanese dont use forks because the have two sticks made from bamboos. Romania is famous all over the world with traditional SARMALE. This traditional dish is tasty but very fatty made from rice, meat in cabbage leaves.

Romania and Japan are two great countries and original cultures. Everything from writing, clothing, food or something else its made these cultures so famous and so original. Japanese an Romanians are very proud what they have and what they can show to the world.

Thank you.

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