Central Nervous System - Letter

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uear Slr/madam

ln reply Lo your requesL for me Lo send a leLLer speclflc Lo Lhe Loplc of 'Lhe sLrucLure and luncLlons of Lhe
nervous SysLem' l have wrlLLen a deLalled analysls of Lhe dlsablllLy below
1he flrsL polnL of Lhls Lhe CenLral nervous SysLem (CnS) ls LhaL lL conslsLs of Lhe 8raln and Lhe Splnal cord Lhe
braln helps conLrol hearL raLe breaLhlng and dlgesLlon Lhe Cerebellum ls Lhe parL of Lhe braln whlch conLrols
all volunLary movemenL Lhese waves are senL Lhrough Lhe splne and Lransferred Lhrough Lo bones and onLo
Lhe muscles
CLher Lhan Lhe CnS Lhere ls a sysLem called Lhe erlpheral nervous SysLem (nS) Lhls conslsLs of mllllons of
dlfferenL facLors such as heaL Louch movemenL Lhey Lhen send mllllons of messages back Lo Lhe splne where
Lhe braln recelves Lhese and deals wlLh Lhe process and allows your body Lo feel ob[ecLs and heaL eLc
1he MoLor neurones are made up of 3 maln areas Lhese belng
1 1he cell body conLalnlng Lhe nucleus and mlLochondrla
2 1he dendrlLes Lhese allow Lhe waves Lo pass Lhrough synapses Lo allow Lhe braln Lo connecL wlLh
cells around Lhe body Lhey conducL elecLrochemlcal sLlmulaLlons produced by oLher cells
3 1he axon Lhls ls Lhe long body of Lhe moLor neurone LhaL emerges from Lhe splnal cord and lLs maln
funcLlon ls Lhe Lransmlsslon of nerve lmpulses along Lhe myelln sheaLh (1he myelln SheaLh connecLs
Lhe nucleus Lo Lhe Axon whlch allows Lhe messages/waves Lo be senL from braln Lo muscles vlce
versa Lhe Lhlcker Lhe Myelln SheaLh Lhe fasLer Lhe messages are senL back Lo Lhe splne
Motor un|ts
SLarLlng from Lhe braln Lhe elecLrochemlcal waves are senL down Lhe splne where Lhey are Lhen Lransferred
over Lo Lhe Myelln sheaLh (on Lhe nexL page a dlagram has been shown)

lrom Lhe myelln SheaLh Lhe nerve endlngs carry Lhe elecLro charges Lhrough Lo Lhe moLor neurone Lhe
branches from Lhls are aLLached Lo dlfferenL parLs of Lhe muscle Lhls only covers a small area of Lhe muscle
Lhls ls where oLher nerve cells come lnLo use Lhey are connecLed dlrecLly from Lhe myelln sheaLh Lo Lhe
muscle Lhe moLor unlL and Lhe nerve cells conLracL slmulLaneously and allow muscle movemenL

klnd regards
- 7 4(-/
lam ! Alford

8Al ulsclosures
8oom 221b 1renchard Pall
8Al Cranwell
lncs nC34 8P8
1hls ls a deLalled dlagram of Lhe 8raln
areas of Lhe 8raln are labelled
lam Alfrd
|agrams and exp|anat|ons

1hls ls a labelled dlagram of Lhe braln Lhls shows Lhe dlfferenL parLs of Lhe braln
such as CenLral sulcus laLeral sulcus eLc 1hese areas conLrol dlfferenL
componenLs of Lhe body
lor example Lhe cerebellum conLrols movemenL and posLure
1hls ls a uendrlLe as you can see Lhere are Lwo areas wlLh branches Lhey
conducL Lhe elecLrochemlcal sLlmulaLlon produced by oLher cells
1hls ls a plcLure of a muscle whlch ls connecLed Lo a moLor neurone Lhe
maln parL conducLs Lhe elecLrochemlcal charges whlch ls Lhen passed
onLo Lhe branches whlch send Lhe charges lnLo Lhe muscle causlng lL Lo

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