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Controlled copy

<Customer Name>
<Project Name>
Test Strategy
<Version No. >

Prepared By Reviewed by Approved By


Role Technical Leader Project Leader



Project ID: <Project ID. > <SCI.ID. > / Ver: <Ver No.>

Release ID: QTMC-TSTSTR.doc / 1.02 / 03.06.2005 C3: Protected

Controlled copy Test Strategy

Table Of Contents

1.0 Overview....................................................................................................................... .3
1.1 Purpose & Scope........................................................................................................... ...........3
1.2 System Description................................................................................................ ..................3
1.3 Testing Scope.................................................................................................... .......................3
1.3.1 Unit Testing Scope........................................................................................ ......................3
1.3.2 System Testing Scope................................................................................................... ......3
1.4 What is not in the scope?.................................................................................... ....................3

2.0 Test Planning...................................................................................... ..........................4

2.1 Test Strategy & Approach.......................................................................................... ..............4
2.1.1 Test Strategy .................................................................................................. ....................4
2.1.2 Test Coverage...................................................................................................... ...............4
2.1.3 Items TO BE / NOT TO BE tested ........................................................................ .............5
2.2 Schedule................................................................................................................................. ...5
2.3 Test Environment Set Up .................................................................................. ......................5
2.4 Test Data................................................................................................................................ ....5

3.0 Problem Reporting and Data Recording......................................................... ............6

4.0 Test Deliverables.............................................................................. ............................7

5.0 Resources Required........................................................................................... ..........8

5.1 Hardware................................................................................................................ ...................8
5.2 Software........................................................................................................... .........................8
5.3 Personnel.............................................................................................................. ....................9
5.4 Other Resource Requirements...................................................................................... ..........9
5.5 Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements............................................... .............9

6.0 Test Report...................................................................................................... ............10

7.0 Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints.................................... .....................11

8.0 Glossary & References......................................................................................... ......11

8.1 Glossary......................................................................................................... .........................11
8.2 Reference ..................................................................................................... ..........................11

9.0 Change Log..................................................................................................... ...........12

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Controlled copy Test Strategy


1.1Purpose & Scope

The purpose of the Test plan is to plan for Unit and System Testing inclusive of
Regression testing of the software. The scope of this test plan includes the following

1. Plan resources (human, software, hardware)

2. Plan for test coverage, test strategy
3. Schedule for Testing
4. Plan for environment, Test Data
5. Any other pre-requisites

1.2System Description
< Briefly describe the objectives of the Application being tested. This is required as it
helps in ascertaining the focus of Testing. >

1.3Testing Scope
Testing scope should clearly define separately the testing to be done for system
migration as well as for the additional enhancements that are made as part of the
scope of the project.

1.3.1Unit Testing Scope

<Mention the software units that will be taken up for unit testing>

1.3.2System Testing Scope

<Mention the software units that will be taken up for system testing>

1.4What is not in the scope?

<Mention what is not part of the Testing scope. This must include

 Application Modules / Functions / Sub-systems etc. that will not get tested for
some specific reason (if applicable)
 Types of testing that will not be performed>

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

2.0Test Planning

2.1Test Strategy & Approach

2.1.1Test Strategy

Unit Test Strategy

< The Testing Strategy to be followed by the project while testing should be discussed.
The Unit level regression testing should also be addressed>.

System Test Strategy

< The testing strategy for the System Testing should be addressed here. Whether
functional, performance, security and other aspects are applicable should be stated.
System Level Regression testing approach should also be addressed.
Regression Test Strategy
 Mention what modules the changed module impacts
Mention the functionalities of such impacted modules and if possible
ascertain the critical / problematic features so as to be able to ensure that
regression coverage is 100% on these features
Internationalization Testing
 Testing of Location specific usage of Calendars, date, time, currency,
numbers, separators etc.
 Testing of miniscule display problems with fonts, Character shape, direction
 Testing of Character set and font display issues and truncated text requiring
objects and controls to be resized
 Testing of spacing issues with string translation

Regression test strategy should also address the following:

 Test data preparation

 Test data validation
 Test data manipulation for input files before execution
 Test data manipulation for output files before comparison
 Testing plan for batch and online applications
 Actual scope for testing that includes path coverage analysis etc.
 Snapping of testing / comparison results.

2.1.2Test Coverage
<For each of the strategy (ies) outlined in the Test Strategy section, the % coverage and
the rationale for the same needs to be addressed. >

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

<Extent to which user interface testing will be addressed (refer to the User Interface Test
Table: Test Coverage in terms of Unit testing strategy

System Componen Strategy % Rationale for the same

/ Sub- t / Class / Coverage
system Programs

Table: Test Coverage in terms of System testing

Type of Testing % Coverage Rationale for the same

Functional Testing
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Browser Compatibility
Table: Test Coverage in terms of Regression testing strategy

System / Sub- Strategy % Coverage Rationale for the

system same

2.1.3Items TO BE / NOT TO BE tested

<List the features and functions that will not be covered in this test plan as part of Unit,
Integration and System Testing. Identify briefly the reasons for leaving them out. >

<Mention the schedule along with the responsibilities here in detail or alternatively
link to the MPP that provides this>

2.3Test Environment Set Up

<Describe the plans for setting up the test environment. >

2.4Test Data
<Provide a general description of the sources of test data. Describe how the range of
test data will help to ensure the adequacy of testing, e.g., selection of boundary or null
values. >

< For each testing, test data preparation and handling shall be discussed. The source
of the data, responsibility and protection method shall be addressed. The decision
whether a sample production data bed or whole production test data bed shall be used
for Regression testing shall be stated here. >

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

3.0Problem Reporting and Data Recording

<Description of, or reference to, the problem reporting process,
which will be used. Description of how test results will be recorded.,
Description of how problems will be tracked to resolution. >
<A tentative process is outlined here which may be modified as
applicable. The responsibility may also be assigned against these
 Recording of testing defects into the test tool identified for the project.
 Frequent Defect Meetings to discuss execution progress and defects
 Each and every defect is assigned to a Developer. If there are any clarifications
pertaining to these defects, it must be recorded in the Defect management system.
 This allocation should be noted in the Defect management System, as should any
and all actions taken by the development team to rectify or ameliorate the effects of
the defect.
 Once the Development is satisfied that the defect has been fixed, a note is made on
the defect management system that that the component(s) affected by the defect
are ready for re-testing.
 Regression Testing will be done to ensure that the actions taken to rectify the defect
have not produced any knock-on effects.
 Suitable analysis will be performed and appropriate tests will be re-run (or passed
with a risk raised) for regression testing.
 Only when re-test has been successfully completed with no critical failures the
Testing will be signed-off.
 It is expected that defect discovery rates will eventually diminish as the testing and
fixing progresses. This must be monitored closely as the application system goes
through the different phases of testing.

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

4.0Test Deliverables
 Test Cases (Unit, Integration and System test cases)
 Test Data used for validation
 Test Environment setup information
 Version Number of the source files used in the build process and the testing
 Test logs / As run logs (in case of Automated Testing)
 Defect Report and Release report
 The people to whom the results must be reported
 Any special reporting requirements
 Test Summary: The following format may be used for Test Summary


Project ID: <Project ID. > <SCI.ID. > / Ver: <Ver No.>

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

5.0Resources Required
<This sub-section should estimate all the resources required to implement the tasks
identified including special requirements. The information can be presented in the form
of tables for the different phases of Testing (Unit, Integration and System Testing). >

Unit Testing System Testing Regression Testing
Name Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty
Reqd Available Reqd Available Reqd Available
<Eg. Machines with 2 1 2 3 2 4
Windows NT, 256

Machine with 1 1 1 1 1 1
Windows 98, 256

Sun e250 – RAM 2 2 3 2 1 2 2>

GB and HDD 4 X 18

Unit Testing System Testing Regression Testing
Name Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies
Reqd Available Reqd Available Reqd Available
<Browsers – 2 2 2 3 2 4
Navigator 4.7

Web server – 1 1 1 1 1 1
iPlanet 4.0

App. Server – Jrun 1 1 1 1 1 1


Database – Sybase 1 1 1 1 1 1

OS – Solaris 1 1 1 1 1 1
2.6(Deployment is

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

Proxy – Netscape 1 1> 1 1 1 1

Reverse Proxy 3.2

< Please repeat the following table structure for describing the resources required for
the Integration and System Testing>

Nature of Task and Skills Unit Testing

required Reqd Avlble Duration Deadline
System / Technology
Test Case Preparation
Test Environment Setup
Test data Preparation
Test Execution
Test case automation
Build Management / Test

5.4Other Resource Requirements

<Other resource requirements not falling under the above said categories should be
specified here>

5.5Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

S.No Suspension Criteria Resumption Requirements
1 Non-availability of the application Availability of the application

2 Show stopping defects, which prevent Show stopper is rectified

further testing along any path.

3 All the possible test cases have been Arrival of build with fixed defects
tested with the failure notified and the
fixes for the same have not arrived for re-

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6.0Test Report
Please refer the link below for the Test Summary Report Template:


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Controlled copy Test Strategy

7.0Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints

<This sub-section should state all the assumptions and dependencies affecting the plan.
It should identify the high-risk assumptions and, if possible, specify contingency plans
for the same. >

8.0Glossary & References

<In cases where terminology could be unfamiliar or open to
interpretation, provide a list defining the unclear terms.
Obtain agreement on these terms from all interested parties.
< If no one is forthcoming with the information you need, make
something up; they might not have done their jobs from the outset,
but they’ll be happy to correct your work! You will have achieved the
goal, which is clarity and agreement. >

<List any standards or other reference material used in the creation of this Test Strategy.

Identify standards for acceptance criteria, defect severity, testable specifications, and so
on. (These standards may have to be created, or adapted from time to time; the first
use of this test strategy will require more work than later iterations.). Some standard
inputs are given below

Sr. No Documents Version Number



3 Requirement Specification Document

4 Functional Specification Document

5 Design Document

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Controlled copy Test Strategy

9.0 Change Log

Please note that this table needs to be maintained even if a Configuration Management
tool is used.

Version Changes made

V1.0 <First version>

V1.1 <If the change details are not explicitly documented in the table below,
reference should be provided here>

Page Changed Effective Changes effected

no by date

V1.2 <If the change details are not explicitly documented in the table below,
reference should be provided here>

Page Changed Effective Changes effected

no by date

Project ID: <Project ID. > <SCI.ID. > / Ver: <Ver No.>

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