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Auul1lCnAL lnlC8MA1lCn CAn 8L C81AlnLu 8?

8k Lmu larm And 8esearch CenLer (LsLd 1998)
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8k Lmu larm And 8esearch CenLer

Emu is on AusfroIion bird. The mofure EMU is b fo o feef foII ond
normoIIy weighs I00 fo I30 pounds(4b fo o0 Igs).FIighfIess, fhey
ore sfrong runners ond reoch ground speeds of up fo 40 miIes per
hour in shorf bursfs, convering obouf nine feef in sfride.
EMU odopf weII from femperofure exfremes in excess of I00
degrees/F fo beIow ;ero. Mo diseoses hove yef been diognosed os
common fo fhe species.
FemoIes offen sforf Ioying eggs when fhey ore Z-3 yeors oId.
When fuIIy mofure producfive femoIes moy Ioy in excess of 40 eggs
o yeor buf fhe overoge is Zb-30 wifh o reproducfive cycIe sforfing
of Z yeors of oge con creofe on obundonce of birds in o very shorf
spon of fime. The normoIIy dork green eggs ore Ioid every 3 doys (on
overoge) during fhe winfer ond eorIy spring monfhs. Eggs overoge obouf b00-700 groms (I.I fo
I.b Ibs), buf if is nof unheord of fo hove eggs Iess fhon 300 groms (.o Ibs) or Iorger fhon I000
(Z.Z Ibs). When ferfiIe, if fokes obouf b0 doys fo hofch on emu egg.
EMU is on AusfroIion nofionoI 8ird heoIfhy ond ;ero ChoIesferoI food.
Emu meof hos high confenf of profeins in if ond is 987 fof free foo. Americon Docfor's
recommend fhis Emu meof for diobefic ond heorf pofienfs.

Emu Turkey Chicken Fish 8eef Muffon
Profein 0m Zo.40 Zb.Z0 Io.40 Z0.I0 ZZ.80 Z3.90
Fof 0m I.9Z I3.Z0 8.3o I.80 I7.7o 4.b3
ChoIesferoI Mg bI.7 8I.o0 7Z.80 49.30 74 98
CoIories IcoI IZ0 IZ0 IZ4 93 Zbo I43
0m 0.o8 0.7o 0.87 0.3o 7.o0 Z.80
Iron Mg b.o0 I.o0 0.80 0.43 Z.40 3.40
Emu Products:
8irds ore generoIIy processed of oround IZ-I8 monfhs oId, wifh fhe overoge refurn being Z0-Zb
kg meof, b-o Ifrs oiI, 0.7 mZ skin for Ieofher, Z Ieg skins ond 0.7b kg feofhers.

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