Notts Position Paper

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Comm|ttee Soclal CulLural and PumanlLarlan

Un|vers|ty Loughborough unlverslLy

Country 8razll

1op|c Area A 1he empowerment of woman and ch||dren through educat|on and the need to
en||ghten such groups as to the|r un|versa| r|ghts
1he rlghL Lo educaLlon ls a speclal human rlghL because lL has Lhe capaclLy Lo 'unlock' oLher rlghLs by
creaLlng capable and knowledgeable clLlzens LducaLlon can amelloraLe many of Lhe developmenLal
challenges faced by counLrles around Lhe world
8razll has beneflLLed from un programmes focuslng on soclal lssues baslc servlces and a sLrong
commlLmenL Lo reduce poverLy boLh naLlonally and lnLernaLlonally Powever perslsLenL hlgh levels
of lnequallLy conLlnue Lo lmpede Lhe full reallsaLlon of human rlghLs ln 8razll 1he soclal programmes
we have creaLed musL become more lncluslve
1here ls sLlll a large number of people who conLlnue Lo encounLer ma[or dlfflculLles ln exerclslng
Lhelr clLlzenshlp and Lhelr baslc rlghLs
1hrough lnvesLmenL ln educaLlon programmes 8razll alms Lo noL only lmprove Lhe awareness of
unlversal human rlghLs Lo woman and chlldren wlLhln Lhe counLry buL also Lo counLrles around Lhe
world who have sLruggled wlLh slmllar lssues
CounLrles around Lhe world musL make more sLrlngenL efforLs Lo achlevlng Mlllennlum uevelopmenL
Coals 234 6 whlch beneflL chlldren women and famllles as a whole
1op|c Area 8 S||ence AIDS and Sexua| Cu|ture |n Afr|ca
uesplLe huge lncreases ln expendlLure on a wlde range of programmes 8razll's socleLy ls sLlll dlvlded
by vasL lnequallLles and has a large number of clLlzens llvlng ln poverLy
8uL Lhrough lnLeracLlon wlLh a varleLy of groups and governmenL deparLmenLs we have ensured
LhaL effecLlve acLlon has been Laken Lo sLem Lhe spread of Plv 8y 2003 8razll's guldellnes for
LreaLmenL and prevenLlon of Plv/AluS had been adopLed by 31 developlng counLrles
1here are slx key areas whlch 8razll promoLes ln Lhe flghL agalnsL Plv/AluS and lmprovlng sexual
culLure around Lhe world
O A sLrong relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe governmenL soclal groups and nCCs
O SLrong pollLlcal leadershlp and Lhe wlll Lo flghL Lhe epldemlc
O A LoleranL non[udgemenLal approach Lo Plv prevenLlon
O A sLrong focus on conLracepLlon and famlly plannlng
O 1he provlslon of free LreaLmenL Lo all and sLrong efforLs Lo mlnlmlse Lhe cosL of
anLlreLrovlral drugs
O A commlLmenL Lo flghLlng sLlgma and dlscrlmlnaLlon and encouraglng a culLure ln whlch
people llvlng wlLh Plv are acLlvely lnvolved ln helplng governmenL's respond Lo Lhe epldemlc

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