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Abandon Stubbornness and Receive a Blessing

(Mark 3:1-6, John 9:1-12)

What is Stubbornness?


1. inflexible in opinion or intention;

Some of the Pharisees intention was to find a reason to accuse Jesus and
they would not be swayed from that intention (Mark 3:2)

Modern day media example - some looking to create controversy

2. unreasonably obstinate

Stubbornness persists despite evidence to the contrary

They saw the miracles, signs which clearly pointed to the Messiah (see e.g.
Isa. 29:18, 35:5, 42:7, Luke 4:18), yet most still refused to accept Jesus for
who he was.

Biblical synonyms: stiff-necked, hard-hearted

Contrast: Perseverance: continuing to struggle for a desirable goal despite obstacles

Stubbornness is related to an “uncircumcised heart” (Deut. 10:16, Acts 7:51, Stephen to

the Sanhedrin) and an “uncircumcised ear”, on a person who considers the Word of God a
reproach and who is unable to delight in it (Jer. 6:10). Remember that circumcision is a
sign of being in a covenant relationship with God (Gen. 17:11)

Stubbornness is related to an “unprepared heart”, one not trusting in God (Ps. 78:8)

Stubbornness is related to pride (John 12:43)

Stubbornness is related to iniquity and idolatry (1 Samuel 15:23)

Have you ever acted in a stubborn manner? Did it end up costing you something?

How Does God Feel About Stubbornness?

God feels anger/indignation and distress at stubbornness (Mark 3:5, Compare Ex. 32:9-
10, Ps. 81:10-13, Heb. 3:7-11 &15, quoting Ps. 95:8)

Because stubbornness results in missed blessings (Jer. 5: 20-25, see also Acts
28:23-28, Paul to the Jews)

Have you ever tried to do something for someone that you know will benefit them,
yet they resist? Doesn’t it make you upset, frustrated, maybe even angry and at the
same time distressed for there sake? (e.g. giving medicine to a child, presenting the
Good News of the Gospel to a friend or relative)

Other points from this lesson

Human misfortune can be an opportunity for the display of God’s power (John 9:1-3,
11:1-4) Does this help answer the question why does God let bad things happen to good
people, at least in part?

Jesus did good on the Sabbath, healing, the Pharisee’s evil, plotting to kill Him (Mark 3:5-

We are obligated to do God’s work as long as we are able to (John 9:3)

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