Origin of Life Debate Prep

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The Origin of Life

Directions: Read about the various theories concerning the origin of life. In your journal (in the notes section), briefly summarize each theory and provide at least 5 facts that support each theory. Primordial Soup Theory

The Origin of Life

RNA Theory

Hydrothermal Vent Theory Go to this website: http://www.indiana.edu/~g105lab/images/gaia_chapter_13/vent_communitie s.htm Extraterrestrial (Comets and Asteroids) Theory Begin at Comets on the following page

The Origin of Life

The Origin of Life

The Origin of Life

The Origin of Life

For more reading on the extraterrestrial theory of life see the website below http://cosmology.net/Cosmology3.html For the Theory of Creationism visit the website listed below http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creationism

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