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1ab|e of contents
lnLroducLlon 1
Chapter I
8ody of Lhe dlscusslon1
ueflnlLlon of Amoeblasls1
LLlologlc agenL1
Slgn SympLoms1
Chapter II
lncubaLlon erlod2
Mode of Lransmlsslon2
ulagnosLlc exams2
8LL 2

Amoeblasls proLozoal lnfecLlon of human belngs lnlLlally lnvolves Lhe colon buL may spread
Lo sofL Llssues mosL commonly Lo Lhe llver or lungs by conLlgulLy or hemaLogenous or
lymphaLlc dlssemlnaLlon
D|scuss|on mode
lL ls Lhe Lhlrd leadlng paraslLlc cause of deaLh worldwlde surpassed only by malarla and
schlsLosomlasls Cn a global basls amoeblasls affecLs approxlmaLely 30 mllllon persons each
year resulLlng ln nearly 100000 deaLhs an lnLesLlnal lllness LhaL's Lyplcally LransmlLLed
when someone eaLs or drlnks someLhlng LhaL's conLamlnaLed wlLh a mlcroscoplc paraslLe
called otomoebo blstolytlco ( blstolytlco) 1he paraslLe ls an amoeba a slnglecelled
Ameblasls refers Lo lnfecLlon caused by Lhe amoeba otomoebo lL refers Lo Lhe same
lnfecLlon Llkewlse amoeblasls ls someLlmes lncorrecLly used Lo refer Lo lnfecLlon wlLh
oLher amoebae buL sLrlcLly speaklng lL should be reserved for otomoebo
blstolytlco lnfecLlon
t|o|og|c agent
LnaLamoeba PlsLolyLlca
O revalenL ln unsanlLary areas
O Common ln warm cllmaLe
O Acqulred by swallowlng
O CysLs survlves a few days ouLslde of Lhe body

O Human Excreta
|gn mptoms
O IomlLlng
O ularrhea
O 8loody sLool
O Abdomlnal paln
O Lose of appeLlLe
O ever

Incubat|on er|od
1he lncubaLlon perlod ln severe lnfecLlon ls Lhree days ln sub acuLe and chronlc form lL lasLs
for several monLhs ln average cases Lhe lncubaLlon perlod varles from Lhree Lo four weeks

Modes of 1ransm|ss|on
O 1he dlsease can be passed from one person Lo anoLher Lhrough fecaloral
O 1he dlsease can be LransmlLLed Lhrough dlrecL conLacL Lhrough sexual conLacL
by orogenlLal oroanal and procLogenlLal sexual acLlvlLy
O 1hrough lndlrecL conLacL Lhe dlsease can lnfecL humans by lngesLlon of food
especlally uncooked leafy vegeLables or foods conLamlnaLed wlLh fecal
maLerlals conLalnlng L hlsLolyLlca cysLs

D|agnost|c exams
O SLool exam
O 8lood exam

O MeLronldazole (lagyl) 800mg 1lu x 3 days
O Amplclllln qulnolones sulfadlazlne
O LosL fluld and elecLrolyLes should be replaced

1 Cbserve lsolaLlon and enLerlc precauLlon
2 rovlde healLh educaLlon and lnsLrucL paLlenL Lo
8oll waLer for drlnklng or use purlfled waLer
Avold washlng food from open drum or pall
Jash hands afLer defacaLlon and before eaLlng


1herefore l conclude LhaL all lndlvlduals should lmproved Lhere lmmunologlc sLraLegles Lo
augmenL Lhe efflcacy of already exlsLlng vacclne candldaLes such as CallecLln as well as
evaluaLlon of newer vacclne LargeLs are currenLly underway for Lhe conLrol of Lhls deadly
paraslLlc dlsease


l've learned more abouL amoeblasls and [usL lmaglne lLs [usL a Llny feces can almosL lead Lo
deaLh lf lLs noL been LreaLed early

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