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Verizon Functional Specifications Design Document 06/05/06 Version 1.0 Physical Inventory Document Report

Project: Verizon Communication Process: SAP SCM Planning Variant: Title: Physical Inventory Document Report Type: Report

Copyright IBM Corporation 2003 International Business Machines Corporation Route 100 Somers, NY, 10589 USA Printed in the United States of America 10-02 All Rights Reserved IBM and the IBM logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States other countries, or both. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT
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Document Control
Version 1 Revision Date 06/05/2006 Revised By Rajkumar Abbu Revision Description Initial

Approval Authority for

Name Signature Date

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Table of Contents
1.0 DOCUMENT RELATIONSHIP ENTITIES................................................................... ................5 2.0 FUNCTIONAL DETAILS.................................................................................... .........................5 3.0 ADDITIONAL DETAILS..................................................................................................... ..........6 4.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................... .........................6 5.0 CUSTOMIZED SOFTWARE DESIGN................................................................................ .........6 5.1 REPORTS: SEE ABOVE................................................................................. ..........................6 5.2 INTERFACES N/A......................................................................................................... ..............6 5.3 CONVERSION N/A................................................................................................................... ...7 5.4 ENHANCEMENTS N/A............................................................................................................... .7 5.5 FORMS: N/A.............................................................................................................................. .7 5.6 SAP WORKFLOW N/A............................................................................................................. ...7 5.7 QUESTIONS.............................................................................................................................. ..7 6.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION................................................................................................. ...7 6.1 DESIGN ALTERNATIVE............................................................................................................ ..7 6.2 ISSUES.................................................................................................................................. .....8 6.3 PHYSICAL DATA MODEL....................................................................................................... ....8 6.4 PHYSICAL SOFTWARE MODEL ................................................................... ...........................8 6.5 DIAGRAMS................................................................................................................................. .8 6.6 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATION................................................................................ ......................8 6.7 DATA (INPUTS/OUTPUTS).................................................................................................... ...10 6.8 SECURITY....................................................................................................................... ..........11
The information in this document contains trade secrets and commercial information that are privileged or confidential and may not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by federal or state law or regulations. In any event, persons to whom the information is disclosed must be informed that the information is privileged or confidential and may not be further disclosed by them. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future information supplied to you which is indicated as privileged or confidential.

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6.9 STANDARDS............................................................................................................... ..............11 6.10 OPERATION MODEL (JOB FLOWS, BUILDS, COMPONENT LIST)................................11

Functional Specification Document

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Document Relationship Entities

Related PDDs Related BPRs (Line Items)


Functional Details

Introduction/Background: The Springfield / Merrick Cable cut operation in NY supplies the majority of Verizons cable requirements. The CARMS system in place today currently receives planning and inventory feeds from MMIS and is the user interface for all daily operations at the facility. Cut machine assignment, reports, forms and labels are managed in this system today. This spec will address the Physical Inventory Report, which conducts the upcoming annual physical inventory count. Scope/Detailed Description: Create an ALV report that can be executed by the user to print and/or download to Excel the physical inventory documents needed to conduct the upcoming annual physical inventory count. The report should be executable via new transaction code ZMI21. 1. Link IKPF (Header: Physical Inventory Document) to ISEG (Physical Inventory Document Items), via: a. b. c. 2. IKPF-MANDT to ISEG-MANDT IKPF-IBLNR to ISEG-IBLNR IKPF-GJAHR to ISEG- GJAHR

Link ISEG (Physical Inventory Document Items) to MAKT (Material Descriptions), via: a. b. c. ISEG-MANDT to MAKT-MANDT ISEG-MATNR to MAKT-MATNR Only return records where MAKT-SPRAS = EN


If ISEG-CHARG value is NOT blank, link ISEG (Physical Inventory Document Items) to MCH1 (Batches), via: a. b. c. ISEG- MANDT to MCH1- MANDT ISEG-MATNR to MCH1-MATNR ISEG-CHARG to MCH1-CHARG


Link MCH1 (Batches) to AUSP (Characteristic Values), via: a. MCH1-MANDT to AUSP-MANDT MCH1-CUOBJ_BM (with leading zeros to 18 total bytes) to AUSP- OBJEK

Dependencies: Include predecessor and successor processes.

The information in this document contains trade secrets and commercial information that are privileged or confidential and may not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by federal or state law or regulations. In any event, persons to whom the information is disclosed must be informed that the information is privileged or confidential and may not be further disclosed by them. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future information supplied to you which is indicated as privileged or confidential.

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Predecessor: Successor: Business Process Detail:

Business Rules/Assumptions: Capacity Planning Estimates Peak Volume Average Volume Frequency Record Size Processing time (per record)


Additional Details

Unit Test Suggestions: Security/ Authorizations Error handling Archiving Back Up Plan:


Contact 1 Additional Contact: Complexity Contact 2

Primary BP Contact: Type:

5.0 5.1 5.2

Customized Software Design Reports: See Above Interfaces N/A


Complete for Interfaces Only. Inbound/Outbound

The information in this document contains trade secrets and commercial information that are privileged or confidential and may not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by federal or state law or regulations. In any event, persons to whom the information is disclosed must be informed that the information is privileged or confidential and may not be further disclosed by them. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future information supplied to you which is indicated as privileged or confidential.

Page 7 Reconciliation Process Error Handling Method Notification Details Scheduling Considerations: Immediate or ASAP or Batch Time window for execution Legacy System Details Contact (name/phone) Operating System Application System File Locations/File name

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5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

Conversion N/A Enhancements N/A Forms: N/A SAP Workflow N/A Questions


Raised By

Assigned To

6.0 6.1

Technical Specification Design alternative


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Issue Number Owner Status Issue Description Issue Resolution

6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

Physical Data Model


Physical Software Model



Physical Specification 6.6.1 Pseudo Code Read the data from IKPF and ISEG tables using inner join and put the data into
GI_PHYDOCU internal table for given selection criteria.

SELECT a~werks a~lgort a~iblnr a~gjahr a~bldat a~gidat a~invnu a~xblni a~zstat b~zeili b~matnr b~meins b~charg b~bstar b~buchm FROM ( ikpf AS a INNER JOIN iseg AS b ON a~iblnr = b~iblnr AND a~gjahr = b~gjahr ) INTO TABLE li_phydocu WHERE a~iblnr IN s_iblnr AND a~gjahr IN s_gjahr AND a~werks IN s_werks AND a~lgort IN s_lgort AND
The information in this document contains trade secrets and commercial information that are privileged or confidential and may not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by federal or state law or regulations. In any event, persons to whom the information is disclosed must be informed that the information is privileged or confidential and may not be further disclosed by them. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future information supplied to you which is indicated as privileged or confidential.

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a~bldat IN s_bldat AND a~gidat IN s_gidat AND a~invnu IN s_invnu AND a~xblni IN s_xblni AND a~zstat IN s_zstat.

of 12 To get the Material Description read MAKT table for the given material.
IF li_phydocu1 IS NOT INITIAL. SELECT matnr maktx FROM makt INTO TABLE li_mat FOR ALL ENTRIES IN li_phydocu1 WHERE matnr = li_phydocu1-matnr. IF sy-subrc = 0. SORT li_mat BY matnr. ENDIF. ENDIF. To get serial number details for the material and batch : To read the INOB table we need to prepare internal table (LI_OBJEK) for key object which is combination of material and batch.
LOOP AT li_phydocu1 INTO lw_phydocu1. lw_objkey-matnr = lw_phydocu1-matnr. lw_objkey-charg = lw_phydocu1-charg. lw_objkey-objek+0(18) = lw_phydocu1-matnr. lw_objkey-objek+18 = lw_phydocu1-charg. APPEND lw_objkey TO li_objkey. CLEAR : lw_phydocu1,lw_objkey. ENDLOOP. Get OBJEK from table INOB for all entries in the internal table LI_OBJEK and put those object keys into LI_INOB internal table.
IF NOT li_objkey IS INITIAL. * Read INOB table for Object key SELECT cuobj objek FROM inob INTO TABLE li_inob FOR ALL ENTRIES IN li_objkey WHERE klart = c_klart AND obtab = 'MCH1' AND objek = li_objkey-objek. IF sy-subrc = 0. SORT li_inob BY objek. ENDIF.
The information in this document contains trade secrets and commercial information that are privileged or confidential and may not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by federal or state law or regulations. In any event, persons to whom the information is disclosed must be informed that the information is privileged or confidential and may not be further disclosed by them. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future information supplied to you which is indicated as privileged or confidential.

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ENDIF. Read the CABN table for serial number characteristic .

SELECT SINGLE atinn FROM cabn INTO lv_atinn WHERE atnam = RELL_SN.

"#EC * Now read AUSP table (serial number characteristic ) value for all entries in LI_INOB and put those entries into LI_AUSP internal table.
SELECT objek atwrt FROM ausp INTO TABLE li_ausp FOR ALL ENTRIES IN li_inob WHERE objek = li_inob-cuobj AND atinn = lv_atinn AND klart = c_klart. IF sy-subrc = 0. SORT li_ausp BY objek. ENDIF. Now prepare GI_BATCH internal table by using all LI_INOB and LI_AUSP which contains only material , batch and serial number. Process the data: Generate the FIELD CATOLOG for the output table. Put a loop on GI_PHYDOCU and read the LI_MAT and LI_BATCH table for material description and serial number value. Prepare final internal table GI_FINAL. To display the output.

Call function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY and pass the field catalog and output table.


Data (Inputs/Outputs)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Physical Inventory Doc Fiscal Year Plant Storage Location Document Date Planned Count Date Physical Inventory Number Physical Inventory Ref. Count Status IKPF-IBLNR IKPF-GJAHR IKPF-WERKS IKPF-LGORT IKPF-BLDAT IKPF-GIDAT IKPF-INVNU IKPF-XBLNI IKPF-ZSTAT
The information in this document contains trade secrets and commercial information that are privileged or confidential and may not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by federal or state law or regulations. In any event, persons to whom the information is disclosed must be informed that the information is privileged or confidential and may not be further disclosed by them. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future information supplied to you which is indicated as privileged or confidential.

Required Input Required Input

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1. Default Display Variant (in the order specified): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. l. Plant Storage Location Physical Inventory Doc Phys. Inv. Line number Material Number Material Description Material UOM Batch Number Serial Number Stock Type Book Qty IKPF-WERKS IKPF-LGORT IKPF-IBLNR ISEG-ZEILI ISEG-MATNR MAKT-MAKTX ISEG-MEINS ISEG-CHARG AUSP- ATWRT ISEG-BSTAR ISEG-BUCHM


Additional Available Fields: a. b. c. d. e. f. Fiscal Year Document Date Planned Count Date Physical Inventory Number Physical Inventory Ref. Count Status IKPF-GJAHR IKPF-BLDAT IKPF-GIDAT IKPF-INVNU IKPF-XBLNI IKPF-ZSTAT


Authorization will be provided at the transaction code level


Development Standards and Guidelines for VERIZON Supply Chain Transformation Project

6.10 Operation Model (Job Flows, Builds, Component List). 6.10.1 Module/Job Flows 6.10.2 Component Lists
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Page 12 Transaction Code: ZMI21

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6.10.3 Environment Configuration


6.10.4 User Interface Design


6.10.5 User Profile Assessment


6.10.6 Data and Software Communication Interface Model


6.10.7 Interface File Layout and Mapping (Interface/Physical Model Cross-reference)


6.10.8 Network Communication Protocol


6.10.9 Workflow Template Appendix


6.10.10 Business Warehouse Template Appendix:


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