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Elf on the Shelf

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


The elf arrives with a yummy surprise! Snow covered donuts and hot cocoa.

Caught "red handed" the elf has made the milk RED!

A snow battle has taken place between your elf and Star Wars guys using marshmallows!

The elf is caught with his candy cane fishing pole trying to lure some goldfish from the toilet!

Decorate the Christmas tree with socks and underwear.

Draw a funny note with lipstick on the bathroom mirror.

Build a cozy house for the elf with Legos.

Have the elf throw toilet paper down the stairs and he's caught "sleding" in a box.

Dress up the elf in Barbie clothes. Line up stuffed animals for a "fashion show"

10making cupcakes for the


Have the elf caught

11those cupcakes so he
invited some stuffed friends for tea and cupcakes. Using a shoe for his

The elf couldn't resist

12breakfast spelling words

out with Cherrios.

The elf is caught at

13has stolen Barbie's


Out for a drive the elf

14board game with the elf

and some friends.

Game time! Set up a

15marshmallows over a

Have the elf roast

16playing a video gamecreate a profile for the elf too!

Have the elf caught

17have the elf build a


Use big marshmallows to

18sleigh and either a

19balls and have the elf

taking a "bubble bath"

Fill a pot with cotton

20using matchbox cars.

Spell out "ho ho ho"

21using pillows from the


The elf has made a fort

22pictures for the kids but

also colored their noses to look like Rudolph!

The elf colored some

23the kids doorways so

Have the elf crepe paper they have to bust out when they wake up!

24reindeer food and a note

from Santa. Tonight it's back to the North Pole!

The elf arrives with

stuffed reindeer or horsehave the elf go for a sleigh ride.








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