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Muharram is observed by the Muslim community across the world in commemoration of the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammed's grandson, Imam

Hussain along with his family and followers, who were killed in the Battle of Karbala in AD 680. The Prophet's son-in-law Ali, and Ali's elder son Hassan, are also remembered during this period as having suffered and died for righteous causes. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar which marks the beginning of the new Islamic year. It is also one of the four months wherein fighting is strictly prohibited as the word Muharram has been derived from haram which means forbidden. The first ten days of the month are observed as a period of mourning. After the death of the Prophet Mohammed, the Quran was considered as the final word. The Prophet had named no successor. One fraction of his followers believed that succession should remain within Mohammed's family, while another disagreed. After a long dispute, Abu Bakr, a loyal follower of Mohammed, was elected as his successor. His reign was peaceful, as was that of his successors. However, during the reign of Ali, Prophet's son-in-law, there was opposition from the masses. Ali was assassinated and his elder son Hassan was poisoned. His younger son Hussain, his family and his troops, were tortured and killed, with Hussain's head being severed and presented to the king. The assassination of Hussain took place on the tenth day of the month of Muharram; hence, the event is called Ashura. It is observed as a day for public expression of grief. These circumstances resulted in the division of the community into two cults - the Shias and the Sunnis. The Shias consider Ali, Hassan and Hussain as the rightful successors of Prophet Mohammed and mourn their death during Muharram. At the appearance of the moon, people clad in black assemble and recite plaintive verses over sweetened cold drink, in memory of Imam Hussain. They observe the entire month as a period of mass mourning. There is no celebration or expression of joy of any kind. Women are expected to forsake all adornments. Public enactments of grief, depicting scenes from the Battle of Karbala, are carried out in Shia mosques on the first ten days. This is done to express the brutalities that Hussain underwent during the battle of Karbala. The Sunnis, on the other hand, celebrate the occasion on a quieter note and indulge in calm and silent offerings.

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