Ief Info Sheet Service Providers

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Caring at end of life project Brief Project information Service Providers

As a service provider in the end-of-life care sector, we would like to invite you to participate in a research project being undertaken by the University of Western Sydney, Calvary Centre for Palliative Care Research and Cancer Council of NSW.

The project is about: Understanding more about how formal and informal carers work together when care is being provided in the dying persons home. How friends and family support each other when someone with a terminal illness is being cared for at home. What people do to support the carer at home and bringing to life the everyday tasks of caring The effect of the experience of helping one another

The results of this study will be applied to creating better support for people who wish to die at home. It is entirely up to you whether or not you participate in this research.

When you have read this information, we will discuss it with you further and answer any questions you may have. We will also provide you with a more detailed information sheet about the project. If you would like to know more at any stage, please feel free to contact: Research Assistants Niki Read or Kerrie Noonan

Yours faithfully,

Debbie Horsfall University of Western Sydney

Note: This study has been approved by the University of Western Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee (H9255). If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this research, you may contact the Ethics Committee through the Office of Research Services on Tel +61 2 4736 0229 Fax +61 2 4736 0013 or email Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be informed of the outcome.
School of Social Sciences | College of Arts University of Western Sydney Penrith Campus Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751 Australia Email: Phone: 02 4736 0368

Caring at end of life ARC Linkage project

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