MFCS Imp Questions I

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1. Prove or disprove the validity of the argument : Some dogs are animals. Some cats are animals. ‘Therefor some dogs are cats. 2. Prove: Babies are illogical . No body is despised who can manage a crocodile. logical persons are despised. Therefore babies cannot manage crocodiles. 3. Obtain the PDNF and PCNF of (Qa RAS )v(RAS) 4, Prove by contradiction PQ, QR, WR .P 5) Show that ((p-+Q) +p) ~p is a tautology. 6) Show that (~pa(~gan)) V(qar) A(par 7) Show that ~(peoq) = (peo~q), 8) Simplify the expressions (a) (~pV~a) >(pe4q)_ (b\(P>(QA0) A~P>(~a0~1) and find which of the above are tautologies. 9) Show that r-ys can be derived from the premises p->(q->s), ~rVp and g 10) construct the truth table for the formula~(pV(qan)) ((pVq) A(pV). 11) show that rVs follows logically from premises evd, (cVD) ~>~h, ~h->(an~b) and (an~b) > Vs. 12) With reference to automatic theorem proving, Show that sVr isa tautologically implied by (pV) A(p>r) A(q>5). 13) Obtain the principal conjuctive and principal disjunctive normal form of the formula 8 given by (~p>1) A(q->p). 14) Prove that a relation R is transitive iff R® is a subset of R 15) Prove that every finite lattice is bounded 16) Explain the difference between the principal disjunctive and principal conjuctive normal forms. 17). Define Reflexive and Imeflexive relations and write a note on their corresponding relation matrices and their digraphs. 18) Define the composition of the relations. Let R= { (1,2), (3,4), (2,2) } and S= { (4,2), (2,5), (3,1), (1,3) } be two relations on A= {1,2,3,4,5) obtain the relations SoR , ReS, R°, S°, express relation ‘matrices of SeR and ReS in terms of relation matrices of R and S. 19). show that the relation R defined on N by R = { (a,b)eNxN/ a°+b is even } is compatible relation 20) Let A={1,2,3,4,5} and R={(1,1),(,2), (2,1), (2,2), (3,3),3,4),(4.3)(44) 6.5)} S={ (1,1),(2.2), (3,3), (4,4),(4,5), (5,4),(5,5)}-Find the smallest euivalence relation containing R and S and compute partition of A that it produces. 21) Define partial ordered relation and an equivalence relation. Give an example of a relation which is both partially ordered as well as Equivalence. 22)Let S=(1,2,3,4,5} and let A=SXS. Define the following relation on A such that (a,b) R (c@) if and only if ad=be. a)show that R is an equivalence relation b)Compute A/R ( the set of distinct equivalence classes) 23) Show that there are only five distinct Hasse diagrams for partially ordered sets that contains three elements. 24) IER is a relation on set of +ve integers defined as R={(a,b) / a=b2", where m is arbitrary integer} show that R is an equivalence relation, Also determine the equivalence classes under R. 25) Draw the Hasse diagram for the poset ( Do, /).

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