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Sudh|r |s a name synonymous w|th ower It stands ta|| |n the Ind|an ower Generat|on Sector

prov|d|ng comp|ete turnkey L|ectr|ca| so|ut|ons from GLNLkA1ICN DIS1kI8U1ICN to


An lndusLry leader ln Lhe fleld of seLLlng up ulesel base CapLlve ower lanLs upLo 20MW havlng lLs
corporaLe offlce ln Curgaon revenue of over ln8 1000 Crs lL has leveraged lLs relaLlonshlp wlLh
Cummlns LLd to capture a ma[or|ty market share

1he Company has a wlde bluechlp cusLomer base and operaLes Lhrough mulLlple manufacLurlng
faclllLles across lndla and focuses on ulesel Cas CeneraLors
P1 L1 SwlLchboards 1ransformers and 1urnkey LC conLracLs

1he producL llne lncludes Lhe wldesL range of ulesel CenseLs 133000 kvA wlLh a fuel opLlon of Cas
1ransformers ackaged SubsLaLlons compleLe range of P1 11kv 33kv anels L1 SwlLchboards
1urnkey LC conLracLs coverlng elecLrlcal and mechanlcal servlces of Generat|on D|str|but|on

lndeed we have achleved and leapfrogged Lowards unprecedenLed growLh 8uL Lo us Lhls ls [usL anoLher
sLep ln our ongolng [ourney Lo greaLer goals and broader horlzons

Core values
- roducL lnLegraLlon
- uellver value for money
- uevelopmenL of people
- 1ransparency

Cur Mlsslon
- SusLaln 8uslness CrowLh
- losLer lnnovaLlon
- urlve value
- roLecL Lhe LnvlronmenL

Cur vlslon
1o go beyond ower CeneraLlon Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon equlpmenL markeL wlLh hlgh sLandards for
Lechnology lnLegrlLy and professlonallsm

CuallLy SafeLy

Sudhlr CenseLs ls commlLLed Lo excellence ln deslgn and manufacLure of sllenL CenseLs and ConLrol
anels Lhrough Lhe adopLlon of modern Lechnology

We sLrlve Lo exceed lnLernaLlonal sLandards for quallLy durablllLy and efflclency Lhrough consLanL
lmprovemenL ln our sysLems and processes

We are hlghly deLermlned Lo ensure Lhe safeLy of our peoples equlpmenL so LhaL an accldenL free
envlronmenL ls malnLalned

lndlvldual commlLmenL Lo a group efforL

LhaL ls whaL makes a Leam work a company worka socleLy worka clvlllzaLlon work

8elng enLrepreneurlal ls abouL belng Lhe flrsL Lo ldenLlfy and acL on novel opporLunlLleslL requlres an
ablllLy Lo Lhlnk dlfferenLly Lo look ahead and Lo focus on whaL could be achleved

Many people can have good ldeas buL whaL dlsLlngulshes Lhe people LhaL slmply speculaLe from a Lrue
enLrepreneur ls Lhe ablllLy Lo make change happen

Cur Leam of englneers and managemenL experLs sLays ahead of markeL Lrends conLlnually anLlclpaLlng
shlfLlng cusLomer needs and requlremenLs Cur Leam draws on all Lhe resources skllls and experlence of
our wlder organlsaLlon and acLs declslvely Lo Lransform enLrepreneurlal ldeas lnLo successful sLraLegles
for change


Cummins Powered
Diesel and Gas Gensets
Ranging from 15 - 3000 KVA
Our complete range of Generators are useful in providing Power in areas where
conventional power supply infrastructure is unreliable. Our product line includes the
widest range of Gensets ranging from 15KVA to 3000 KVA, with a fuel option of Diesel or
gas, a complete range of intelligent switchboards, design & build end to end power
solutions for your Captive Power Plants.

All our manufacturing units are equipped with the very latest technological machineries.
From customized designing and computer aided design system to qualified team of
experienced engineers, these facilities add to credibility and superiority of our products
and services.

CenseL ConLrollers

1he ower Command ConLrol ls a mlcroprocessor based generaLor seL monlLorlng meLerlng proLecLlon
and conLrol sysLem lL offers advanced levels of funcLlons for rellablllLy and opLlmum genseL
performance 1he power command conLrol wlLh dlglLal parallellng conLrol devlces such as synchronlzers
and load sharlng conLrols and kvA8 / ower facLor conLrols

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