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Team Training: Pace Ride and Carquinez

Sunvalley Mall

7-5-09 Buddy Ride

Distance Distance Climb Turn At Start Sun Valley & Contra Costa Ave R Sun Valley Mall Rd to Taylor Blvd R Alhambra Valley Rd L Franklin Canyon Rd R Cummings Skyway (Climb) R Crocket Road (Descend) R Pomono Ave S Carquinez Scenic Dr (follow coast) R Talbert L Green St R Berrellesa Rd (turns into Alhambra) S Alhambra Valley Road L Taylor Blvd (back to Mall) End Sun Valley & Contra Costa Ave To Next 100yds 2.2 3.8 4.4 2.2 2.2 0.8 7.9 0.5 0.1 1.0 5.0 2.2 30.3 So Far 0 2.2 6.0 10.4 12.6 14.8 15.6 21.5 22 22.1 23.1 28.1 30.3 Climb

To Next So Far 210 0 130 210 0 340 340 340 140 790 -200 790 50 840 530 1,190 100 1,560 10 1,570 20 1,590 260 1,850 50 1,900 1,950

How to read these directions: Distance Distance To Next So Far

R Sun Valley Mall to Taylor 2.2 R Alhambra Valley Rd 1.6 2.5 4.7

These directions mean the following: Turn right on Sun Valley Mall Rd to Taylor road.; then go 2.2miles. After going these 2.2 miles, you will have covered 2.5 miles for the whole course. At this point, turn right on Alhambra Valley Rd. Then go 1.6 miles to your next turn.

Fold 3
John Muir Medical Center 2740 Grant St Concord, CA 94520-2265 (925) 674-4100

Fold 2
Marin and Moab 7-5-09 Buddy Ride

Coach Wayne (925) 852-9390 Merla (650) 302-0851 Marimikel(925) 330-6452

Fold 1

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