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Eco Labels

An individual's belieI that an environmental claim lacks honesty can have a negative eIIect
on attitude toward a brand. II, on the other side, the consumer grants credibility to the claim,
the individual will behave more respectIully toward the environment. The problem in
extending that credibility to a brand is that consumers interested in ecological products
generally are skeptical oI commercial advertisements. This skepticism is due to various
Iactors such as lack oI language, the absence oI scientiIic knowledge necessary to interpret
advertising meaning, and, in particular, the Ialsehoods and exaggeration oI some advertising
techniques. To resolve this problem, independent organizations may choose to guarantee
messages on the environmental beneIits oI brands with environmental labeling systems
sponsored by independent organizations. This practice tries to diminish perceived biases in
environmental inIormation by promoting standardization oI the inIormation with the aim oI
improving conIidence in the evaluation oI environmental beneIits oI productsall oI which
should positively aIIect the purchase intention.

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