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We, the people of America, will never forget

the changes you brought to our country and our world

Leo Strauss George W Bush Rupert Murdoch

Bradley Foundation Scaife Foundations Olin Foundation

William Kristol Donald Rumsfeld Dick Cheney Elliott Cohen Donald Kagan
Norman Podhoretz Paul Wolfowitz I. Lewis Libby Paula Dobriansky Stephen P. Rosen
Jeb Bush Henry S. Rowen Elliott Abrams Aaron Friedberg Gary Bauer
Steve Forbes Peter Rodman Frank Gaffney Francis FukuYama George Weigel
Dan Quayle Vin Weber Zalmay Khalilzad Fred C. Ikle William J. Bennett
Irving Kristol Richard Perle John Bolton Gary Schmitt Pat Robertson
Midge Decter Douglas Feith David Wurmser Michael Ledeen James C. Dobson
C. Krauthammer Stephen Cambone Meyrav Wurmser James Colbert Jerry Falwell
Ken Adelman Henry Kissinger David Frum James Schlesinger Karl Rove

Peter W. Rodman Ari Fleischer Condoleeza Rice Robert Satloff John Ashcroft
Max Boot Dov s. Zakheim William Schneider, Jr. Robert Kagan Reuel Marc Gerecht
Joshua Muravchik Robert B. Zoellick Jack Kemp Stephen Solarz Thomas Donnelly
Rudy Boschwitz Richard L. Armitage David Horiwitz Richard Allen Randy Scheunemann
Robert W. Tucker Daniel Pipes Lawrence Kaplan Jeffrey Bergner David Frum
Philip Merrill Jean Kirkpatrick Michael Rubin Steven Bryen Mark Steyn
Ronald D. Rotunda Michael Novak Fr. Richard J. Neuhaus Sven Kraemer Kenneth Adelman
Larry Franklin William J. Luti Abraham Shulsky Jeffrey Gedmin Harold Rhode
Ellen Bork Oliver North Lynne cheney Frank Carlucci R. Adm Fred Lewis
Bill O’Reilly Sean Hannity Ann Coulter William Clark Gen. Jarvis Lynch
Tom Delay Joe Lieberman David Frum Richard Burt Robert McFarlane
Newt Gingrich Seth Cropsey R. James Woolsey Bernard Lewis
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