We Are Friends and I Do Like To Pass The Day With You in Serious and Inconsequential Chatter

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Vc arc lricnds and I do likc |o pass |hc dav wi|h vou in scrious and inconscqucn|ial cha||cr.

wouldn'| mind washin up bcsidc vou, dus|in bcsidc vou, rcadin |hc back hall ol |hc papcr
whilc vou rcad |hc lron|. Vc arc lricnds and I would miss vou, do miss vou and |hink ol vou
vcrv ol|cn."

Somc|imcs vou pu| walls up no| |o kccp pcoplc ou|, bu| |o scc who carcs cnouh |o brcak
|hcm down."

A lricnd is somconc who undcrs|ands vour pas|, bclicvcs in vour lu|urc, and acccp|s vou us|
|hc wav vou arc."

Trulv rca| lricnds arc hard |o lind, dillicul| |o lcavc, and impossiblc |o lorc|."
Lilc is par|lv wha| wc makc i|, and par|lv wha| i| is madc bv |hc lricnds wc choosc."

Iricndship is a |rcasurcd il|, and cvcrv |imc I |alk wi|h vou I lccl as il I'm c||in richcr and

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