Full Face Orthodontics Course

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Specialist orthodontist Dr Derek Mahony has been running courses for general practitioners in orthodontics for 20 years and has been heard by over 10,000 dentists worldwide. He is launching his 3-year programme The Full Face Philosophy a Mini Residency in Orthodontics for the first time in the UK, starting January 2012. The programme has been taught with great success in Australia and the US, and differs from other courses in that it focuses not just on the alignment of teeth, but also on the facial balance, as well as identifying the cause of the malocclusion. His philosophy is that appliances alone will not make you a good orthodontic clinician, and any orthodontic problem is not only a tooth problem, but should be studied through aspects of development and function. The programme focuses upon quality orthodontic education for those GPs who are interested in becoming better providers of orthodontic care for their patients. The programme modules are: Orthodontic Diagnosis Cephalometrics / Radiography Mixed Dentition treatment Class II Correction; OSA / Snoring Class III Correction Straightwire Mechanics High-angle Malocclusions Perio / Ortho Interface Biomechanics Surgical Orthodontics Aesthetic Appliances Management of TMD; Stability / Retention Attendees are expected to present cases of their own; following the course they can upload case records and questions onto www.fullfaceglobal.com; and they can observe clinical procedures at a UK clinic run by one of Dr Mahonys experienced UK colleagues, and (on a fee basis) bring patients to that clinic and treat them under the supervision of the doctor
and her appropriately trained and experienced staff.

At the conclusion of the programme a Certificate in Orthodontics will be issued from the International Association for Orthodontics and the programme is recognised for verifiable Continuing Professional Development (CPD). For more information or to book, contact courses administrator Jane Burridge, jane@personal-equilibrium.co.uk, 0845 644 2991 or 07739 166248

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