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18ural lnlLlaLlve for supply chaln managemenL of lndlan

agrlculLure by lLcechoupa|
2 JhaL producL do you geL 2 ln numbers LhaL are round ln
shape packed LogeLher for 8s 2? adbury D|ary M||k Shots
3 Jhlch Amerlcan MulLlnaLlonal CorporaLlon owns klC lzza
PuL and 1aco 8ell ?99SI
ln 1962 8rookebond launched Lhe baked coffee powder
brand ueluxe green label CofeelL ls Lhe orlglnaLor of whlch
presenLly exlsLlng coffee brand?ru
SMarkeL leader of clgerraLes ln lndla|||s
6Jhlch company has launched a snack called 1lme ass"?
71he large markeL share producL of PuL ln personal care
segmenL wlLh an x Lux or Ak
8 Jhlch ls Lhe 3
largesL Soclal neLworklng SlLe ln lndla wlLh
336 mllllon users ?
9Jhlch corporaLlon's name when LranslaLed Lo Lngllsh comes
ouL Lo be lresh 8uLLer" ?
Navneet 9ub||cat|ons
10 llrsL moblle phone modelled on a compacL powder
box/make up klL ?
M|cromax ||ng
11 name 1aLa group's medlum prlced hoLels
A G|nger
12 Lher Lhan brookebond whlch oLher Lea brand does hul
Jhlch ls Lhe worlds 2nd largesL Lraded commodlLy?
name Lhe company whlch has lnLroduced new MusLard
sauce MusLard now" De| Monte
S 1he man who lnLroduced vlcks vapour rub Lo Lhe world
and also Lhe auLhor of 'lndla unbound' ?
A Gurucharan Das

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