Communication Styles and Effective Performance Presentation

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lour 8aslc CommunlcaLlon SLyles

LmoLlve SLyle
ulrecLor SLyle
8eflecLlve SLyle
SupporLlve SLyle
LmoLlve SLyle
Plgh SoclablllLy
Plgh uomlnance Low uomlnance
Low SoclablllLy
CharacLerlsLlcs of LmoLlve erson
ulsplays sponLaneous unlnhlblLed behavlor
ulsplays Lhe personallLy dlmenslon descrlbed as
ossesses a naLural persuaslveness
ulrecLor SLyle
Plgh SoclablllLy
Plgh uomlnance Low uomlnance
Low SoclablllLy
8ehavlors ulsplayed 8y ulrecLors
ro[ecLs a serlous aLLlLude
Lxpresses sLrong oplnlons
May pro[ecL lndlfference
8eflecLlve SLyle
Plgh SoclablllLy
Plgh uomlnance Low uomlnance
Low SoclablllLy
8ehavlors CharacLerlsLlc of
8eflecLlve SLyle
Lxpresses oplnlons ln a dlsclpllned
dellberaLe manner
Seems Lo be preoccupled
refers orderllness
SupporLlve SLyle
Plgh SoclablllLy
Plgh uomlnance Low uomlnance
Low SoclablllLy
Common 8ehavlors of
SupporLlve SLyle
LlsLens aLLenLlvely
Avolds Lhe use of power
Makes and expresses declslons ln a
LhoughLful dellberaLe manner

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