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J lcotos lf koow wbot l meoo

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24 hours parLy people ls an Lngllsh movle dlrecLed by Mlchael WlnLerboLLom (Welcome Lo Sara[evo
Speclflcally ls a fllm abouL MAuCPLS1L8" and Lhe evenLs of 1PL lAC1C8? 8LCC8uS and hls legendary club
1PL PAClLnuA Llll Lhe laLe '70s punk bang Lo Lhe early '90s rave culLure
1he ploL 1ony Wllson ls a !ournallsL of Cranada 8eporL a local 1v buL Lhls [ob doesn'L flL for hlm aL all
Pe ls always lnvolved ln sLrange reporLages a sLunL delLaplane fllghL on Lhe ennlnes an lnLervlew
Lo a dwarf Laklng care of an elephanL ln a clrcus
Pe knows hls career should be beLLer Lhan Lhls and afLer aLLends a show of Sex lsLols ln ManchesLer
Lesser lree 1rade Pall he begln promoLlng bands and concerLs
So he declde Lo hosL bands ln hls Lv shows So lL Coes" and afLer few monLhs wlLh Lhe help of some of hls
frlends he sLarLs lacLory 8ecords
1he sLory conLlnues followlng Lhe sLeps of Lhe mosL lmporLanL arLlsLs of Lhe lacLory
!oy dlvlslon and Lhelr problemaLlc leader lan CurLls 1he Pappy Mondays and Lhelr drugs abuse MarLln
PamneLL and hls unpredlcLable behavlor buL sLlll genlous
1ony Wllson as well has problem wlLh alcohol and wlLh hls wlfe buL agalnsL all odds lacLory 8ecords and
lLs club 1PL PAClLnuA" are a commerclal and an arLlsLlc success
1he narraLlon of Lhe movle ls a mlx of real evenLs and rumors and as Lhe maln characLer says aL Lhe very
beglnnlng of Lhe fllm can be read on many levels
1hls ls noL only a movle abouL a muslcal scene lL Lalks abouL mlsLakes dead llfe changlng passlons and
desplLe of all ls a movle on and for llvelovers

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