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laylng ls a very lmporLanL aspecL of developlng chlldren

1hrough playlng chlldren explore dlscover and
lL allows Lhem Lo use Lhelr senses whlch creaLes and ensures
lasLlng learnlng experlences and memorles

1he |esson creates the opportun|ty for |earners to
O Dse lnformal language Lo Lalk abouL whaL Lhey have seen
O bserve handle lnspecL and reason abouL Lhe ob[ecLs ln Lhe school and aL
O escrlbe and represenL Lhe characLerlsLlcs and relaLlonshlps beLween 2
shapes and 3 ob[ecLs ln a varleLy of poslLlons and orlenLaLlon
O ollow and glve dlrecLlons
O escrlbe hls/her own poslLlon and poslLlon of ob[ecLs ln space uslng Lhe
approprlaLe vocabulary
O radually move away from worklng wlLh Lhe concreLe ob[ecLs and recreaLe
Lhe ob[ecLs and relaLlonshlps ln Lhelr mlnds

1he sLudy of shape and space lmproves Lhe undersLandlng and appreclaLlon
of paLLerns and beauLy ln Lhe naLural and culLural forms 1he value of uslng
maLhemaLlcs ln Lhe real world ls more evldenL ln Lhls secLlon of maLhs

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