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<html> <head><title> Local Navigation </title></head> <body bgcolor = "#000000" link = "#008000" alink = "#FFD700" vlink = "#FAEBD7"> <a

name = "top"> <center> <a href = "#Profile2page"> Profile </a> &nbsp;&nbsp <a href = "#Sched2page"> Schedule </a> &nbsp;&nbsp <a href = "#Photo2page"> Photo Gallery </a> &nbsp;&nbsp <a href = "#Interest2page"> Interests </a> <br> <hr><font size = 16 face = "Comic Sans MS" color = "#00CED1"> <marquee direction = "up" scrollamount = "10"><p align = "center"><font color "#00CED1"> This page tells<br>more about me... </marquee></font></p> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><hr><br><br>< /font> <a name = "Profile2page"> <img src = "D:\inte215_Sapino\Image\Pictures\DSC02682.jpg" height = 250 width = 250 style = "border: double #00FFFF"> <br><br><br><br><br> </center> <pre><font color <u><font color = <u><font color = <u><font color = <u><font color = <u><font color = = "#1E90FF" face = "MV Boli" size = 5> "#8A2BE2">Name:</u></font> <i>Patricia Marie T. Sapino</i><br> "#8A2BE2">Course:</u> </font><i>BS. Information Technology</i><br> "#8A2BE2">Age:</u></font> <i>20</i><br> "#8A2BE2">Status:</u></font> <i>Single</i><br> "#8A2BE2">Email Address:</u></font> <i></i>

</pre></font><br><br><br> <align = right><a href = "#top"> Back to top</a><br><br><hr><br> <a name = "Sched2page"> <font size = 4 color = "#00CED1" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"> <h1><center> First Semester &nbsp;&nbsp; SY 2011-2012</h1></font> <table border = 1 cellspacing = 10 cellpadding = 15 bordercolor = #20B2AA><br> <tr> <td><font size = 4 color = "#FFD700" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"><u><b><center> Subject</b> </u></font></td></center> <td><font size = 4 color = "#FFD700" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"> <u><b><center>Time </b></u></font></td></center> <td><font size = 4 color = "#FFD700" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"> <u><b><center>Room </b></u></font></td></center> <td> <font size = 4 color = "#FFD700" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"><u><b><center>Instructor</b> </u></font></td></center> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size = 4 color = "#F0F8FF" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"><i>INTE.203</i></font> </td> <td> <font size = 4 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif">10:30am 12:00pm</font> </td> <td> <font size = 4 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif">221 </font></td>

<td> <font size = 4 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Microsoft Sans Serif"><i>Sir Rosauro Manuel</i> </font></td> </tr> </table> <align = right><a href = "#top"> Back to top</a> <br><br><hr><br><br> <a name = "Photo2page"> <font size = 6 face = "Comic Sans MS" color = "#00CED1"> <marquee behavior = "alternate" scrollamount = "20"> This is my Photo Gallery... </marquee></font> <br><br><br> <center> <img src = "D:\inte215_Sapino\Image\Pictures\DSC02674.jpg" height = 100 width = 100 alt = "power watch!" style = "border: inset #00FFFF"> <img src = "D:\inte215_Sapino\Image\Pictures\DSC02677.jpg" height = 100 width = 100 alt = "power watch 2!" style = "border: outset #00FFFF"> </center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><align = right><a href = "#top"> Back to top</a><br><br> <hr><br><br> <a name = "Interest2page"> <font size = 6 face = "Comic Sans MS" color = "#00CED1"> <marquee behavior = "alternate" scrollamount = "20"> These are my Interests... </marquee></font><br><br><br> <table border = 3 cellspacing = 10 cellpadding = 10 bordercolor = #20B2AA> <tr><td> <ol> <li> <u><font size = 5 face = "Tektan Pro" color = "#8A2BE2">Programming Language</u></font> <ul type = "square"> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"> <i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">Java Programming</i> </li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"> <i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">Programming C Language</i></li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"> <i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">Programming C++ Language</i> </li></font> </ul> </li><br> </ol></td> <td> <ol start = 2> <li><u> <font size = 5 face = "Tektan Pro" color = "#8A2BE2">Computer Games</u></font> <ul type = "square"> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"><i> <font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">Dota Allstar</i> </li></font>

<li style = "color: #1E90FF"> <i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">The Sims</i></li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"> <i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">Plants vs. Zombies </i></li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"><i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro"> Angry Birds </i></li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"><i> <font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro">Left for Dead </i></li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"><i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro"> Final Fantasy</i> </li></font> <li style = "color: #1E90FF"><i><font size = 3 color = "#1E90FF" style = "Tekton Pro"> Harvest Moon</i> </li></font> </ul> </li><br> </ol></td> </tr></table> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <align = right><a href = "#top"> Back to top</a><br><br><hr> <embed src="D:\inte215_Sapino\Audio\Ying Yang Twins ft. Pittbull - Shake.mp3" width = "300" height = "250" autostart = "true" loop = "true" hidden= "true"> </body> </html>

Parallel(HOME) <html> <head><title> My Page </title></head> <body bgcolor = "#000000" link = "#008000" alink = "#FFD700" vlink = "#FAEBD7"> <center> <img src = "D:\inte215_Sapino\Image\Pictures\DSC02682.jpg" height = 200 width = 200> <font size = 6 face = "Comic Sans MS" color = "#00CED1"><hr> <marquee direction = "up" scrollamount = "10"><p align = "center"><font color "#00CED1"> This page tells<br>more about me... </marquee></font></p><hr><br> <a href = "Profile3page.htm" target = "right"><font size = 5> Profile</a></font> <br><br><br> <a href = "Sched3page.htm" target = "right"><font size = 5> Schedule </a> </font><br><br><br> <a href = "Photo3page.htm" target = "right"><font size = 5> Photo Gallery </a> </font><br><br><br> <a href = "Interest3page.htm" target = "right"><font size = 5> Interests </a></font> <br><br><br><br>

<blink> <img src = "D:\inte215_Sapino\Image\Smiley2.jpg" height = 20 width = 20> <font face = "Comic Sans MS" color = "#00CED1"> Designed and Created by: Patricia Marie T. Sapino 3IT-02 <img src = "D:\inte215_Sapino\Image\Smiley2.jpg" height = 20 width = 20></font> <embed src="D:\inte215_Sapino\Audio\Ying Yang Twins ft. Pittbull - Shake.mp3" width = "300" height = "250" autostart = "true" loop = "true" hidden= "true"> </body> </html>

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