In Which Sector Do You Think You Spend Most

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Spending Habits oI students on entertainment

How much pocket money do you get per month?

O Less than Rs.500
O Rs. 500-700
O Rs. 700-1000
O 1000 and above
In which sector do you think you spend the most?
O Party
O Movies
O Shopping
O Fast Ioods/ restaurants
O Travelling
O books
How oIten do you visit the above mentioned places?
O Once a week
O Twice a week
O Four to Iive times in a month
O Any other please speciIy
. What type oI items you shop the most?
O Clothing
O Food
O Gadgets and gizmos
O Books
O Others
How much do you spend on entertainment?
O Less than 100
O 100-500
O 500-1500
O Above 2000

Do you like to hang out
O With Iriends
O With Iamily
O Alone
O Others

Which is your Iavourite hangout zone?
O CoIIee shops
O Fast Iood outlets
O Pubs/ clubs
O Any other please speciIy

On a scale oI 1-5 rank the various shopping/entertainment zones areas with respect to where
you most oIten spend your money?
O Connaught Place
O MG Road
O Sarojini Market
O Sector 17(Ambience Mall)
O Others.....

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