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On Case AnaIysis

Please note the following in connection with your case analysis - in continuation
of what may also explain in the class:

. Format of case / management report:

over page with title and names of team members
xecutive summary
ain body of the report:
4Problem statement / key issues
4$upporting arguments
4lternative strategies
4mplementation plan

ppendices (if any)

. nalysing the case: methodology- the steps to follow:

1.ap the business landscape
2.ndustry level analysis
3.nalyse the firm
4.dentify change drivers
5.dentify key management issues (your case analysis should be
6.Test your hypothesis / select appropriate frameworks and
theoretical models.
7.Develop recommendations
8.Develop implementation plan

Note: The steps are primarily meant to guide you and not to be used as headings
in your report.

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