Burma Daily News On November 09 2011

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Daily News on November 09, 2011

Hot tips for the SSA South



Burma Army Attacks Church in Kachin State, Shooting and Torturing Worshippers

Very little progress seen in year since election, say Mon leaders

New township administrator for Chin state


China, Burma plan armed Mekong patrols

Myanmar takes measures to provide security to foreign tourists
S. Koren sends over 100 volunteers to serve in Myanmar in 13 years
S. Africa probes Burma diplomats history

Hot tips for the SSA South

The Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) that is expected to be the next armed
group Naypyitaw is planning to meet sometime in the near future has been given friendly tips by officials from
ceasefire groups calling themselves well meaning friends.
The SSA South, as it is commonly known, together with the Karen National Union (KNU) and
Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), are somewhat affectionately known as rookies
when it comes to dealing with the regime without fists and guns among veteran ceasefire
groups like the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and others.
Zhao Yilai
The tips include:

Not to allow treatment of one in a condescending manner

Beware of enticements to indulge in sensual pleasures
Beware of business opportunities offered generously to one

Always consider the pros and cons before doing something you might regret later, said a 50
year old official from a ceasefire group.
All three sources SHAN talked to also warned the same thing: It is dangerous and even fatal to
share drinks (which might be spiked) with regime officials.


Zau Mai

Everyone of them believes it was because of this undue trust in their fellowmen that had forced many of the
leaders to take to bed and sent some of them later to the grave:

Zhao Yilai
Zau Mai
Brang Seng

Kachin Independence Organization

The lucky ones they said were Sai Leun, leader of the National Democratic Alliance
Army (NDAA) and Gaifa, leader of the SSA Norths 7th Brigade (now Kali Peoples
Militia Force), who managed to come out of the resultant afflictions alive.
Of course, we are not saying the present regime will follow in the footsteps of its
predecessor, said another. But it is always advisable to be careful.
Brang Seng So far, Naypyitaw has held peace talks with 8 groups: KIO, UWSA, NDAA, Democratic Karen
Buddhist Army (renamed Kloh Htoo Baw), Karen National Union (KNU), Shan State Progress Party/Shan State
Army (SSPP/SSA), New Mon State Party (NMSP) and Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP). It had been
successful with the UWSA, NDAA and Kloh Htoo Baw. The war with the KIA however is still ongoing.











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Published on November 9, 2011 by






















Written by











Wed, 2011-11-09 01:29 editor
London, 09 November, (Asiantribune.com): Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has today received a report
from sources inside Kachin State, Burma alleging that soldiers from the Burma Army shot at worshippers in a
church in Wai Maw Township two days ago.
Soldiers from the Burma Armys 88th Light Infantry Division attacked the Assemblies of God church in Muk
Chyik village, Wai Maw Township on 6 November, injuring several people. The congregation was expelled
from the church, and soldiers reportedly looted church donation boxes. The house of one church member, Mr
Jumphpawk Hawng Lum, was burned down. At least fifty church members are taken to work as forced porters
for the Burma Army.
The pastor of the church, the Reverend Yajawng Hkawng, was severely tortured and is now in hospital. One of
the church deacons, Hpalawng Lum Hkawng, who is the youth music team leader, was injured in his leg.
CSWs East Asia Team Leader Benedict Rogers said, The military in Burma has unleashed yet another wave of
terror against civilians in the ethnic states, at a time when the regime is speaking about reform. The regime is
perpetrating war crimes and crimes against humanity. These attacks in Kachin State, involving rape, forced
labour, torture, the killings of civilians, and religious persecution are grave violations of international law and
must be stopped. Attacking churches where civilians are gathering to pray peacefully is a serious violation of
religious freedom. The international community must take immediate action to provide humanitarian assistance
to those internally displaced in Kachin State, and to end the culture of impunity which has prevailed in Burma
for too long.
- Asian Tribune http://www.asiantribune.com/news/2011/11/08/burma-army-attacks-church-kachin-state-shooting-and-torturing-worshippers

Published on November 8, 2011 by

- S.H.A.N



Published on November 8, 2011 by









Jaloon Htaw - One full year after Burmas 2010 elections, the country has few indications of genuine progress,
according to Mon leaders.
There is no significant progress because the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) can only submit
bills to the parliament (Hluttaw), and other parties can only ask questions, said Nai Ngwe Thein, vice chairman
of Mon National Democratic Font (MNDF).
While some ceasefires have been declared with armed ethnic groups, no actual peace talks with the groups have
taken place, and the groups arent allowed to participate in politics. Ethnic people are still having difficulty in
finding enough money for their survival. Thats why the prospects for ethnic groups having lasting peace with
the government is even less likely than before, added Nai Ngwe Thein.
Since U Thein Sein became the new Burmese president, the government has released about 200 political
prisoners, discussed various issues with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and given more freedom to the media, said Nai
Tin Aung, a former Central Executive Committee Member of the New Mon State Party.
Even though we have only gotten a few improvements, if we compare with not getting anything, it is an
improvement. But as a new government, U Thein Seins government should change the way they are operating
in the Kachin State. It also should release all of the remaining political prisoners. After that, we could say there
has been real progress on the way to democracy. We as politicians are watching for real change, said Nai Tin
One important positive result of Burmas changing process of government is the delaying of the Myitsone
hydropower project, even though it has caused the government the displeasure of China, said former Lieutenant
of the New Mon State Party, Nai Kao Rot.
It is not progress with speed, but we are seeing some progress slowly. But we realize there is only hope for the
ethnic people if we can implement a 21st century Panglong Agreement, added Nai Kao Rot.
Short URL: http://monnews.org/?p=3596






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leading roll


Posted by admin on Nov 09, 2011 | Comments Off
A new administrator for Than Tlang Township, Chin state was appointed in
the last week of October after the authorities summoned Mr. Chit Ko Ko,
former administrator to Naypyidaw, the capital of Burma.
Mr. Chit Ko Ko is facing charges of having received bribes in his office in
July 2011 from two degree holders called for the interview of the village
secretarys post of Lung Ding village in Than Tlang Township. They gave
two lakhs and five lakhs Kyats respectively. But the two youths applications
were rejected.
A staff member of the Than Tlang administration office told Khonumthung
that Chi Ko Ko seems to have been summoned on the corruption issue. The
local UNSDP authorities are silent on this issue.
Mr. Rum Hmung was appointed in the vacant post of administrator. He becomes township administrator after
serving in Naypyidaw as tract secretary.
The new administrator will understand the needs of local people and the people also will reciprocate. He will be
practically precise in his post, said a town elder from Than Tlang.
Corruption cases usually reported in the educational and health departments in Than Tlang. - Khonumthung
News. http://khonumthung.org/?p=470

By , 08 2011


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- NLD -










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Marty Natalegawa Jakata Globe
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Marty Natalegawa



Derek Mitchell




China and several neighbouring countries will provide armed escorts to ships navigating the Mekong River, state
media said Wednesday, after 13 Chinese sailors were killed on the key waterway last month.
The sailors died in a raid on two Chinese cargo boats on
the Mekong on 5 October an attack thought to have
been carried out by a notorious gang in the Golden
Triangle area known for drug smuggling.
Police in Thailand have since detained nine soldiers
suspected of killing the sailors, and also thought to have
links to a Burma drug kingpin.
The state-run China Daily newspaper quoted the
Ministry of Public Security as saying China and its
Southeast Asian neighbours believed to be Thailand,
Laos and Burma would begin armed patrols on the river
next month.
Chinas contribution to the patrols will come from a special armed force established under the Yunnan
Provincial Border Control Corps, the report quoted Cheng Jun, spokesperson for the ministrys border control
bureau, as saying.
The ministry refused to comment when contacted by AFP.
The report also quoted Yang Xi, a spokesperson for the Yunnan border corps, as saying that patrol forces would
escort both Chinese ships and those from other countries.
The Mekong flows through Yunnan into Southeast Asia.
China reacted angrily to the October attack, summoning diplomatic envoys from Thailand, Laos and Burma and
asking authorities to speed up investigations into the incident.

It also sent patrol boats down the Mekong to escort 164 stranded Chinese sailors and 28 cargo ships home, and
has suspended shipping on the waterway, which runs through the four countries as well as Cambodia and
The river normally serves as a major trade route through those countries.

YANGON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Myanmar authorities are taking measures to provide security to foreign
tourists visiting the country, especially in the tourist site of ancient city of Bagan in Mandalay region where
thousands of pagodas lie, local media reported Tuesday.
In a move to attract more tourists to the country in the tourism peak season of November and December, special
vehicles and coaches will be arranged for them to visit the tourist site, the Weekly Eleven News said.
New hotel zones are also being explored to be added with the site.
Meanwhile, Myanmar is making preparations to hold the first- ever Maha Mekong travel fair in Bagan later this
month with booths featuring several sectors.
Countries from the region -- China, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam will also introduce their
tourist sites at the show.
According to statistics, Myanmar has 22 foreign-invested hotels, 9 government and 678 private hotels as well as
11 hotel zones in regions where visitors mainly travel. Of the private hotels, 72 are in Bagan.
Figures also show that 469,457 tourists visited the country in the first seven months of 2011.
Most of the tourists arrived through Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw international airports as well as
through Muse and Tachileik border points by road respectively.
Visitors from China led in Myanmar's tourist arrivals, followed by those from Germany, Spain, Norway,
Thailand, Cambodia and India.

YANGON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The South Korean government sent a total of 115 volunteers to serve in
Myanmar in 13 years since 1998 under a cooperation program of the two countries, local media reported
Dispatched by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) , these volunteers served in Myanmar's
development work in the sectors of agriculture, orchard, education, sports, information and technology, said the
Weekly Eleven News.
About 54 areas in the country demand volunteer service from South Korea.

This year, 16-member group of South Korean volunteers are serving at six ministries covering those of
telecommunications, livestock and fisheries, agriculture and irrigation, sports, industry-1 and social welfare.
In 1997, the two countries initiated the agreement on the volunteer service program.
The KOICA has stationed in Myanmar since 1991 providing technical expertise and equipment needed for
social service organizations as well as training in related fields.
Dealing with the education sector, the South Korean government is also offering scholarships for Myanmar's
pre-university students to study Korean language in Korean university such as the National Institute for
International Education in Seoul for three years.


South Africas official opposition has called on the countrys president to investigate the shady past of Burmese
ambassador Myint Naung, following accusations in media that the former army general was complicit in gross
human rights abuses in his home country.
The Democratic Alliance party has argued for a revocation of the diplomats accreditation following an
investigation by the Johannesburg-based Mail & Guardian Online that uncovered evidence that Myint Naung
may have played a key role in a number military offensives
in Karen state, which have historically carried huge costs
for civilians.
Research carried out by the Karen Human Rights Group
(KHRG) suggests that Brigadier General Myint Naung was
heading the Military Operation Command (MOC) #4 during
a protracted December 2007 offensive in Karen state, where
his troops were responsible for multiple attacks on displaced
villagers and settlements. The same group has documented
at least one extra-judicial killing of a civilian by a solider
under MOC#4 command during Myint Naungs likely
tenure as commander.

He is also believed to have been among a party of three commanders that ordered the attack on the Ngwekyaryan
monastery in Rangoon on 27 September 2007, in which dozens of monks were beaten by troops before being
loaded onto trucks and driven away.
The specifics of his record in the army are hard to come by: very few documents on Burmas high-ranking
military and government officials are ever made public, but prior to his appointment as ambassador to South
Africa in March this year, Burmese state media had referred to him as a brigadier general.
Between 2008 and 2010 he also served as principal of the Army Combat Forces School at Fort Bayinnaung in
Karen state, where troops are trained in counter-insurgency techniques for use against Burmas multiple ethnic
armed forces.
The Democratic Alliances shadow minister for international relations, Kenneth Mubu, told the newspaper that
President Jacob Zuma should order Myint Naung to be removed from his post.

In terms of the Vienna Convention, the president has the power to refuse access to members of diplomatic
missions should their credentials not stand up to scrutiny. Accordingly, he should now use his powers and revoke
Naungs diplomatic accreditation.
Given the presence of hundreds of former junta members in Burmas new government, the revelations may
prompt other countries to closely scrutinise the background of Burmese diplomats.
Consternation still surrounds the appointment of Ye Myint Aung asBurmas ambassador to the UN: during his
tenure as Consul-General to Hong Kong, he wrote in a letter to other heads of mission, and copying in
international newspapers, that Burmas ethnic Rohingya were ugly as ogres.
You will see in the photos that their complexion is dark brown. The complexion of Myanmar people is fair
and soft, good looking as well, he wrote, sparking widespread uproar.
South Africa has had mixed relations with the Burmese government in recent years. During its stint as a
temporary UN Security Council member in 2007, it refused to sanction a resolution condemning rights abuses by
the junta, which, ironically, coincided with the Ngwekyaryan monastery attack.
But ministers in the ruling African National Congress have criticised Burmas 2008 constitution, which came
into force this year but which some compared with South Africas 1983 constitution, which looked to legitimise
apartheid rule through only token participation of ethnic groups.


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