Brachial Plexus Anatomy

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Brachial Plexus Anatomy

Formed Irom C5 to T1 Roots

Roots unite to Iorm Trunks Upper , Middle and Lower trunks ( From the anterior border oI
Scalene anterior)
Three trunks divide into 3 anterior and 3 posterior divisions ( From the lateral border oI 1st Rib)
anterior divisions oI the upper, middle, and lower trunks
posterior divisions oI the upper, middle, and lower trunks
In relation with the 1st part oI Axillary artery Iorm 3 Cords The Medial, Lateral and Posterior
Branches emerge Irom the Cords
8rachlal lexus AnaLomy 2
Branches Irom the Roots (3 Branches)
1. Nerve to Serratus anterior - ( Long Thorasic nerve) - C5,6,7
2. Nerve to Subclavius - C5,C6
3. Dorsal scapular nerve - C4,C5
Branches Irom Trunks (1 Branch)
1. Suprascapular Nerve ( C5-C6) Supply Supraspinatus and InIraspinatus
%here are no branches from Divisions
Branches Irom Cords
Medial cord ( 5 branches) - M4U
1. Medial pectoral nerve
2. Medial root oI Median Nerve
3. Medial cutaneius nerve oI arm
4. Medial Cutaneous nerve oI Iore arm
ateral cord ( 3 branches) M
1. Lateral root oI Median Nerve
2. Musculocutaneous Nerve
2. Lateral pectoral Nerve
Posterior Cord (5 Branches) - UAR
1. Upper subscapular
2.Lower subscapular
3. Nerve to Lattismus dorsi ( Toracodorsal Nerve)
4. Axillary Nerve
5. Radial Neve

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