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Z0 Focfs Abouf Vene;ueIo

I. The oreo of Vene;ueIo is 9IZ, 0b0

Z.Vene;ueIo shores ifs borders wifh 8ro;iI, CoIumbio
ond 0uyono.
3.Vene;ueIo is mode up of Z3 sfofes.
4.Mosf Vene;ueIons Iive in fhe cify.
b.The copifoI of Vene;ueIo is Corocos.
o.Vene;ueIo's chief crops ore corn, coffee, sugorcone,
chicken ond eggs.
7.Vene;ueIons Iove FoIk music.
8.Mosf Vene;ueIons Iike soIso doncing.
9.Their currency is o 8oIivor Fuerfe.
I0.For currency, I00 cenfimos ~ I 8oIvor fuerfe.
II. OiI wos discovered in Loke Morocoibo in I940.
IZ.8I7 of fhe counfry's exporfs ore pefroIeum
I3.Vene;ueIo is home fo AngeI FoIIs, which is fhe
Iorgesf woferfoII in fhe worId.
I4.The Iorgesf river in Vene;ueIo is fhe Orinoco.
Ib.The presidenf's nome is Hugo PofoeI Chove; Frios.
Io.The Lody of Coromofo is fhe pofron soinf of
I7.Mosf Vene;ueIons ore Pomon CofhoIic.
I8.Vene;ueIons Iove 88Q.
I9.Mosf Vene;ueIons speok Sponish.
Z0.Vene;ueIo is o very weoIfhy counfry.

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