Badminton Skills

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8ADMIN1CN 1ransferab|e and SportSpec|f|c Sk|||s

1he Iorehand Gr|p

O Shake hands wlLh Lhe racqueL
O v beLween Lhumb and foreflnger over Lhe
Lop of Lhe handle
O llngers spread ouL wlLh foreflnger sllghLly
more aparL Lhan oLhers
O LlLLle flnger [usL above Lhe buLL of Lhe
O llrm buL relaxed grlp
Common Iau|ts
O llngers Loo close LogeLher lack of conLrol
O 1humb on Lop of handle lack of
O loreflnger along back of handle loss of
power/wrlsL acLlon
O anhandle grlp lack of power/resLrlcLed

O 8ase poslLlon
O ALhleLlc pose
O ShorL sLeps lnLo lunge
O 8ecover by pushlng back ouL of lunge
O Move back Lo base lmmedlaLely
Common Iau|ts
O Peels on floor slow Lo move
O ShorL sLeps only overrun Lhe shoL
O 8un around Loo much off balance
O Legs sLralghL slow Lo recover

Underhand C|ear
1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- hold Lhe racqueL wlLh one hand
- lefL fooL sllghLly ln fronL of rlghL fooL (lf
- elbows ln wrlsL cocked
- Lransfer welghL from back fooL Lo fronL fooL
- swlng racqueL forward
- snap wrlsLs aL polnL of conLacL
- conLacL polnL below walsL and ln fronL of
- flnlsh palm up
Common laulLs
O no wrlsL acLlon lack of power
O SnaLchlng aL shuLLle lack of conLrol

Cverhead C|ear
1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- keep racqueL up one hand holdlng racqueL
lefL fooL sLralghL ln fronL of rlghL fooL lf
- nonracqueL arm polnLlng aL Lhe shuLLle
- begln shlfLlng welghL forward
- exLend Lhe arm and racqueL Lowards Lhe
LargeL area
- welghL ls shlfLed Lo Lhe fronL fooL
- when maklng conLacL wlLh Lhe shuLLle snap
wrlsL for more power
Common laulLs
O Shoulders remaln square Lo neL no Lransfer of body welghL
O 8enL arm loss of power/flaL Lra[ecLory
O ShuLLle hlL Lo Lhe slde loss of power/flaL Lra[ecLory
O leeL Loo close loss of balance

8ackhand C|ear
1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- sLep rlghL fooL across and forward (lf rlghL
- rlghL shoulder polnLs Lo opponenL
- rlghL elbow polnLs Lo where shoL ls Lo go
(elbow leads Lhe way)
- welghL on lefL fooL
- begln shlfLlng welghL forward
- exLend Lhe arm and racqueL Lowards Lhe
LargeL area
- welghL ls shlfLed Lo Lhe fronL fooL
- when maklng conLacL wlLh Lhe shuLLle snap
wrlsL for more power
Common laulLs
O use of forehand grlp/panhandle grlp mlssed hlLs
O 1humb on Lop of handle loss of power
O Crlp Loo LlghL lack of conLrol

Short Serve
1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- hold Lhe shuLLle by Lhe rubber base
- keep racqueL below walsL on conLacL
- fllck wrlsL as opposed Lo a full arm swlng
- keep shuLLle low/close Lo Lhe neL when golng
- have shuLLle land [usL beyond Lhe shorL
servlce llne
Common laulLs
O WrlsL noL cocked shuLLle conLlnues rlslng
O LefL shoulder polnLlng Lowards neL Lhrough enLlre shoL shuLLle conLlnues upwards
O SLooplng cramped acLlon
O use of wrlsL shuLLle hlL Loo deep

Long Serve
1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- non racqueL fooL sllghLly ln fronL of racqueL
fooL welghL on back fooL
- shuLLle ln one hand racqueL ln Lhe oLher
- hold shuLLle beLween head and chesL helghL
- exLend servlng arm behlnd body wlLh wrlsL
cocked aL walsL helghL
- as shuLLle dropped racqueL swlngs down
and forward
- welghL shlfLs Lo fronL fooL
- conLacL shuLLle beLween knee and walsL level
- hlgh and across opposlLe shoulder
- do noL move elLher fooL unLll shuLLle has lefL
Common laulLs
O SnaLchlng aL Lhe shuLLle Loo much wrlsL/follow Lhrough
O Shoulders remaln polnLlng aL Lhe neL serve noL deep enough
O leeL Loo close loss of balance

1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- shoulders perpendlcular Lo neL
- racqueL ln back scraLch poslLlon
- polnL aL shuLLle wlLh non racqueL hand
- shlfL welghL from back fooL Lo fronL fooL
[usL prlor Lo conLacL
- snap wrlsL and angle racqueL downward
Common laulLs
O Movlng backwards whlle hlLLlng loss of power/flaL Lra[ecLory
O olnL of lmpacL Loo far back flaL Lra[ecLory
O PlL Loo hard loss of conLrol/flaL Lra[ecLory

Net Shot
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- follow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- hold Lhe racqueL hlgh/up
- square Lo neL aL base poslLlon
- wrlsL cocked
- lunge onLo fronL fooL
- swlng racqueL forward
- genLle Lap aL polnL of conLacL
- conLacL polnL above neL
- flnlsh palm forward
Common Iau|ts
O Loo close Lo neL hlLs neL
O Loo far from neL cannoL reLurn shoL
O lack of wrlsL acLlon flaL Lra[ecLory
O low racqueL slow Lo lnLercepL

Drop Shot
1ransferable Skllls
- wlde base of supporL (feeL shoulderwldLh
aparL knees sllghLly benL)
- shoulders square Lo LargeL
- eyes on LargeL
- apply force ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- release ob[ecL aL polnL where lL wlll hlL LargeL
- lollow Lhrough ln dlrecLlon of LargeL
- malnLaln balance ready for nexL movemenL
SporLSpeclflc Skllls
- shoulders perpendlcular Lo neL
- racqueL ln back scraLch poslLlon
- polnL aL shuLLle wlLh non racqueL hand
- snap wrlsL and angle racqueL downward
- conLacL and follow Lhrough wlLh arm half
way down body
Common laulLs
O AcLlon slowed down early loss of decepLlon

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