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Topic 5: Animal Nutrition - Diet Why do we need food? 1. To give us _____________________ 2. To keep us _____________________ 3. To help us _______________________ 4.

To repair and replace _________________________ Components of Food Food is made up of three main components I. II. III. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

I. Nutrients There are ____________ groups of nutrients that we should include in the food we eat to maintain good health. They are a) _____________________________ b) _____________________________ c) _____________________________ d) _____________________________ e) _____________________________

The Five Groups of Nutrients Nutrient Found in Needed for Eating too much Eating too little










II. Water All living things need water to live. People can survive for weeks without food but only few days without water. About 70% of our body is water. We lose a lot of water when we [s] __________________, [u] ____________________ and [b] ____________________. Therefore we should drink about six to eight glasses of fluid to maintain the water balance.

III. Fibre Fibre is present in all plant food like [g]____________________, [f]__________________ and [v]_________________________. Fibre is a food component that we cannot [d]___________________________. We also do not have enzymes to digest it. Fibre forms bulky mass that stimulate the muscle of the large intestine to move the waste along. Fibre also absorbs water, making the waste matter soft and easy to expel.

A Balanced Diet The food we eat is called our diet. To lead a healthy life, our diet must be balanced. Definition of Balanced Diet: A diet which contains the [r]____________________ amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre to maintain good health.

Complete the concept map of a balanced diet below

Balanced diet

is a diet of various


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