MtAW Checklist

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Apprentice (1 Dot) Knowing o Matter: Determine what substances make up an alloy. o Life: Determine if an animal suffers from an illness.

. Unveiling o Prime: Sight, with bonuses to analyze magical Resonance. o Death: Sight, with bonuses to analyze death-related Resonance. Compelling o Forces: Bend the path of light. o Fate: Cause a string of minor beneficial coincidences. Initiate (2 Dot) Ruling o Mind: Alter someone's emotional state dramatically. o Fate: Give yourself significant good fortune. (9-Again) Shielding o Time: Warp time slightly to prevent attacks from hitting you. o Spirit: Protect yourself from spiritual assault. Veiling o Forces: Make a small object invisible. o Mind: Suppress a memory to prevent foes from determining that you know an important fact. Disciple (3 Dot) Perfecting o Life: Increase your Strength Attribute. o Matter: Increase the Durability of an object. Weaving o Prime: Create a Phantasmal object from Mana. o Space: Open a Portal to a distant location. Fraying o Spirit: Cause damage to a Spirit's Corpus. o Fate: Cause significant misfortune when a tool is used. Adept (4 Dot) Unraveling o Death: Lower a foe's Physical Attributes. o Fate: Dispel binding spells or Geas. Patterning o Life: Alter your shape to that of any multi-cellular natural animal. o Mind: Cause hallucinations in a target. Master (5 Dot) Making

o Prime: Create a Hallow. o Matter: Allow structures of objects to reassemble themselves upon its destruction. Unmaking o Forces: Create radiation. o Death: Dispel an active spell, regardless of Arcana involved.

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