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Mr1 Sr Cru 18C Cr 8rn 1PrrnC Cr r 1P1

73cru Lruc v crm Lr Lhng drng Lrong

1lrng Anh phr Lhng

1 S + v+ Loo + ad[/adv + (for someone) + Lo do someLhlng (qudr cho al lm gl) eg1 1hls sLrucLure
ls Loo easy for you Lo remember Lg2 Pe ran Loo fasL for me Lo follow
2 S + v + so + ad[/ adv + LhaL +S + v (qu drn nrl m) eg1 1hls box ls so heavy LhaL l cannoL Lake lL
Lg2 Pe speaks so sofL LhaL we can'L hear anyLhlng
3 lL + v + such + (a/an) + n(s) + LhaL + S +v (qu drn nrl m) eg1 lL ls such a heavy box LhaL l
cannoL Lake lL Lg2 lL ls such lnLeresLlng books LhaL l cannoL lgnore Lhem aL all
4 S + v + ad[/ adv + enough + (for someone) + Lo do someLhlng (ur cho al d lm gl) eg1 She ls
old enough Lo geL marrled Lg2 1hey are lnLelllgenL enough for me Lo Leach Lhem Lngllsh
3 Pave/ geL + someLhlng + done (vpll) (nhr al horc Lhu al lm gl) eg1 l had my halr cuL yesLerday
Lg2 l'd llke Lo have my shoes repalred
6 lL + ls + Llme + S + v (ed crL 2drng Lr chla r Lhl qu khr) / lL's +Llme +for someone +Lo do someLhlng
(d drn luc al d phrl lm gl) eg1 lL ls Llme you had a shower Lg2 lL's Llme for me Lo ask all of you
for Lhls quesLlon
7 lL + Lakes/Look+ someone + amounL of Llme + Lo do someLhlng (lm gl mrL bao nhlu Lhrl glan)
eg1 lL Lakes me 3 mlnuLes Lo geL Lo school Lg2 lL Look hlm 10 mlnuLes Lo do Lhls exerclse yesLerday
8 1o prevenL/sLop + someone/someLhlng + lrom + vlng (ngn crn al/cl gl khng lm gl) eg1
9 S + flnd+ lL+ ad[ Lo do someLhlng (Lhry dr lm gl) eg1 l flnd lL very dlfflculL Lo learn abouL
Lngllsh Lg2 1hey found lL easy Lo overcome LhaL problem
10 1o prefer + noun/ vlng + Lo + n/ vlng (1hlch cl gl/lm gl hrn cl gl/ lm gl) eg1 l prefer dog Lo
caL Lg2 l prefer readlng books Lo waLchlng 1v
11 Would raLher + v (lnflnlLlve) + Lhan + v (lnflnlLlve) (Lhlch lm gl hrn lm gl) eg1 She would play
games Lhan read books Lg2 l'd raLher learn Lngllsh Lhan learn 8lology
12 1o be/geL used Lo + vlng (quen lm gl) eg1 l am used Lo eaLlng wlLh chopsLlcks
13 used Lo + v (lnflnlLlve) (1hrrng lm gl Lrong qk v by glr khng lm nra) eg1 l used Lo go flshlng
wlLh my frlend when l was young Lg2 She used Lo smoke 10 clgareLLes a day
14 Lo be amazed aL Lo be surprlsed aL + n/vlng ngrc nhln vr
13 Lo be angry aL + n/vlng Lrc glrn vr
16 Lo be good aL/ bad aL + n/ vlng glrl vr/ kem vr
17 by chance by accldenL (adv) Llnh cr
18 Lo be/geL Llred of + n/vlng mrL mrl vr
19 can'L sLand/ help/ bear/ reslsL + vlng khng nhrn drrc lm gl
20 Lo be keen on/ Lo be fond of + n/vlng Lhlch lm gl d
21 Lo be lnLeresLed ln + n/vlng quan Lm drn
22 Lo wasLe + Llme/ money + vlng Lrn Llrn horc Lg lm gl
23 1o spend + amounL of Llme/ money + vlng dnh bao nhlu Lhrl glan lm gl
24 1o spend + amounL of Llme/ money + on + someLhlng dnh Lhrl glan vo vlrc gl eg1 l spend 2
hours readlng books a day Lg2 She spenL all of her money on cloLhes
23 Lo glve up + vlng/ n Lr br lm gl/ cl gl
26 would llke/ wanL/wlsh + Lo do someLhlng Lhlch lm gl
27 have + (someLhlng) Lo + verb c cl gl d dr lm
28 lL + be + someLhlng/ someone + LhaL/ who chlnhm
29 Pad beLLer + v(lnflnlLlve) nn lm gl
30 haLe/ llke/ dlsllke/ en[oy/ avold/ flnlsh/ mlnd/ posLpone/ pracLlse/ conslder/ delay/ deny/ suggesL/
rlsk/ keep/ lmaglne/ fancy + vlng eg1 l always pracLlse speaklng Lngllsh everyday
31 lL's + ad[ + Lo + vlnflnlLlve qu gl dr lm gl
32 1ake place happen occur xry ra
33 Lo be exclLed abouL Lhlch Lhu
34 Lo be bored wlLh/ fed up wlLh chn cl gl/lm gl
33 1here ls + nsr lL Lhere are + nsr nhlru c cl gl
36 feel llke + vlng crm Lhry Lhlch lm gl
37 expecL someone Lo do someLhlng mong drl al lm gl
38 advlse someone Lo do someLhlng khuyn al lm gl
39 go + vlng chr cc Lrr Llu khlrn(go camplng go shopplng go flshlng)
40 leave someone alone dr al yn(glve me alone dr Ll yn)
41 8y + vlng brng cch lm
42 wanL/ plan/ agree/ wlsh/ aLLempL/ declde/ demand/ expecL/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ happen/
heslLaLe/ hope/ afford/ lnLend/ manage/ Lry/ learn/ preLend/ promlse/ seem/ refuse + 1C + vlnflnlLlve
eg1 l declde Lo sLudy Lngllsh
43 for a long Llme for years for ages d nhlru nm rrl (dung Lrong Lhl hlrn Lrl hon Lhnh)
44 when + S + v(Cku) S + was/were + vlng
43 When + S + v(qkd) S + had + ll
46 8efore + S + v(qkd) S + had + ll
47 AfLer + S + had +ll S + v(qkd)
48 Lo be crowded wlLh rrL dng cl gl d (1he sLreeL ls crowded wlLh people)
49 Lo be full of dry cl gl d
30 1o be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ Lurn/ grow + ad[ (dy l cc drng Lr Lrl glc c
nghla l c vr nhr/ l/ drrng nhr/ Lrr nn sau chung nru c ad[ v adv Lhl chung La phrl chrn ad[)
31 excepL for/ aparL from ngol Lrr
32 as soon as ngay sau khl
33 Lo be afrald of sr cl gl
34 could hardly hru nhr khng ( chu y hard khc hardly)
33 Pave dlfflculLy + vlng grp kh khn lm gl
36 Chu y phn blrL 2 lorl Llnh Lr ved v vlng dung ed dr mlu Lr vr ngrrl lng cho vrL v khl murn
nl vr brn chrL cra cr ngrrl v vrL La dung lng eg1 1haL fllm ls borlng Lg2 Pe ls bored Lg3 Pe ls
an lnLeresLlng man Lg4 1haL book ls an lnLeresLlng one (khl d khng nn nhrm vrl ed chrng hrn La
nl a loved man c nghla ngrrl dn ng drrc mrn mr" Lrc l c nghla 8r" v urrc" r d)
37 ln whlch where on/aL whlch when
38 uL + up + wlLh + vlng chru drng
39 Make use of + n/ vlng Lrn drng cl gl d
60 CeL + ad[/ ll
61 Make progress Llrn br
62 Lake over + n drm nhlrm cl gl
63 8rlng abouL mang lrl
64 Chu y so + ad[ cn such + n
63 AL Lhe end of v ln Lhe end (curl cl gl d v krL crc)
66 1o flnd ouL Llm ra 1o succeed ln Lhnh cng Lrong
67 Co for a walk dl dro/ go on hollday/plcnlc dl nghr
68 Cne of + so snh hrn nhrL + n mrL Lrong nhrng
69 lL ls Lhe flrsL/ second/besL + 1lme + Lhl hlrn Lrl hon Lhnh
70 Llve ln srng r/ Llve aL + dra chr cr Lhr/ Llve on srng nhr vo
71 1o be flned for br phrL vr
72 from behlnd Lr phla sau
73 so LhaL + mrnh dr dr
74 ln case + mrnh dr Lrong Lrrrng hrp
73 can/ could/ may mlghL/ wlll/ would/ shall/ should/ musL/ oughL Lo (modal verbs) + vlnflnlLlve

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